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Not a Steelhead

A 42 x 24 Gerrard Rainbow.  LINK (Via: Chrome Tails)

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    Good Website, Continue the good job. Regards.
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    Response: Belinda Broido
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    Response: Belinda Broido
    Fly Fishing | Blog | Photos | Podcasts | Travel | Gear | and More - Moldy Chum - Not a Steelhead

Reader Comments (36)

Right... The show is about fishing. Mainly for Steelhead, Swinging Kings, jumping tarpon, skating atlantic salmon, fishing for trout you need an eight weight for, and it shows the lengths that people like myself and Aaron go to in order to fish and hopefully catch fish. Its not about the biggest, craziest or hottest fish porn ever. Its the story about a couple guys that fish, most of the time catch fish, and have a fun time doing it. Now Special K I hope there is no hard feelings between us. Other that the Boner in your pants over a fish that was caught and released by an angler who has been chasing that fish for 6 years and takes the upmost care of the resource. So are you the guy that patrolls the Lardeau in a heli? If you are your sweet. Cal Canada is fun to fish. Will be in skeena region after kings on the swang first week in July.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark Bove

K – If someone is actually fishing closed water they should be called out, but let's take it easy with the "big gay grip and grin" terminology. Recently I have seen a lot of verbal attacks on this site and others that go beyond scolding gravel rapers and seem to be ripping on huge segments of fly fishermen in general – not just those who purposely do harm to fish. We need to be careful not to be too divisive amongst fly fishermen - it's a small enough group of people anyway and it should be a bond we can share.

While I 100% agree anyone who purposely breaks laws or even the unwritten rules should be chastised, not everyone who takes a grip and grin picture with a fish bashed it on a rock and released it mortally wounded and is destroying the earth. Many fishermen, especially those who have only been fly-fishing for a few years still get siked about a new species on the fly rod and a "big gay grip and grin" means a lot to them. It's the payoff after hours of learning the skills of the trade. That pursuit of learning about the sport and the species and experiencing the sense of achievement and joy that comes with finally landing a trophy. That enjoyment is the reason people start and continue fly fishing in the first place. Keeping that alive is the future of the sport. If some people chose to celebrate with a "big gay grip and grin" don't stomp on their enjoyment. You do an injustice the spirit, unity and future of the sport by talking like that. Those who purposely cast to spawning fish are one thing, but there are also sometimes people who are new to the sport and don't understand redds and just need to be informed. Instead of getting mad and calling names I have talked to people on the stream before and told them about it and had them be totally surprised because they were new to the sport.

We sometimes need to calm down and not be such a$$holes and remember that we are out there to have fun in addition to protecting the resource. While there are some people who do bad things most fly fishermen are good people and don’t mean any harm. Most fly fishermen release fish with care and don’t purposely fish to spawners. They don’t deserve your verbal abuse. You would never hear any of the classy greats of fly fishing refer to someone’s proud picture as a “gay” tradition that must die. Have some class. And if you really are so bothered and appalled by the practice of picking up a fish for a few seconds for a picture then carefully reviving and releasing it, then please do us all a favor – quit fishing, join PETA, hang out on a different website and leave all of us alone.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFishin' Terp

I Have to back up K on this one. As for Mark Bove all this could be cleared if you just specified the date and location of this fish, all would be set straight! I have seen these fish spawning in the Revelstoke area and was shocked, freaked, sent into a trance by their size, but I did not even think of swinging a fly. Rare, beautiful and in dire need of breathing room The Gerrard Rainbow should not be targeted period. It would be nice to see this population rebound to a viable fishing populations, C&R of course. A beautiful fish caught that should have been left to do its thing!!!!

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSpeyDog

And perhaps K is venting the same frustrations I share regarding the total lack of enforcement of regulations in the interior of British-Columbia. It seems that poaching these fish during their spring spawn is fair game where I'm from.(Golden,BC). I have been driven into a rage a few times here witnessing the yocal rednecks filling their coolers with a dozen or more wild native pure rainbows. These last remaining wild populations are in danger and not to be fucked with! It is good to see someone like K come their defense. In this day and age we need this kind of action to preserve our last wild fish.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSpeyDog

SpeyDog, I totally agree with everything you said and think you stated it much better than earlier posters. As I mentioned, my mini-rant was referring in large part to a lot of the general sentiments that have been expressed recently which have often seem to go beyond species protection and lash-out at almost all fly fisherman, many of whom may simply be inexperienced or just excited about the sport they love.

It is always good to see concerned anglers being stewards of a species, especially one that is threatened. As I mentioned I admittadly don't know much about this strain of rainbow, nor do we know the specifics on this fish, but I am captivated by the beauty of that creature and can say it is probably the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen. Keep up the good fight and keep trying to influence the government up there, perhaps they'll come around. It's also great to see that this comment thread stayed relatively civilized compared to some others, I think open discussion on these topics is good for everyone.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFishin' Terp


April 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD

Fuck me royal. Nice fish. I will know some of you self-righteous assholes when meeting on the are the guys that don't wave back.

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKook

What a toad - great photo! Love the rants. So much for gentlemenly behavior from those who pursue the "Quiet Sport." When the facts are in doubt - make them up seems to be the internet motto. As for the power of the post - how many people are now smarter on this species of fish? How many have new ideas on what is possible? The fish looks quite healthy and freshly raised for the photo - why cut it apart? Jealousy? A need to spout personal drivel (like I am doing now) and ruin the guys moment in the sun? Not all have transcended to the level where not catching a big fish is no big deal. Humans are competative and catching a big fish is human nature. Take the photo, share it with the the world and return the fish. Only the man who caught it has to live with the what, where, when and how.

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJoel

you guys are all a bunch of fucking loosers. you are just jelous because these guys actually go out and spend every day out fishing and finding where the big fish are. This fish was not "gravel raped" and who the fuck says that. RED RAPE so people actually know what the hell your talking about. its so funny how people on the interenet always know everything. i know exactly where this fish was caught i can assure you there are nooooo reds within miles of where this fish was caught. Also for those of you who really think that they would tell you where this was caught you are the biggest retard ever. the only reason fish like this exsist is because fucktards like you dont know how to get your head out of your ass and go explore and find shit out on your own. grow up dont be a bunch of cry babies cuz he caught one fish that will probably weigh more then the next fifteen fish you catch put together. funny how you can catch multiple fish of this quality in one day.

April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAJ

Quit posting pics of this place otherwise I'll post location so everyone with a jet sled in MT wil show up and ruin your world. Keep it to yourself.

March 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBFA

definitly gravel raped! this guy has poached a gerrard from the Lardeau River! What a shame. Take a look at the streamers on his jacket.. one day this will bit u in the ass with a huge fine!

February 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBull trout from b.c.

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