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Asian Carp - The Culinary Solution

Chicago chef turned fish monger Carl Galven supplied 100 pounds of Asian carp to some of his boutique restaurant customers and their hot shot chefs. Could they help Asian carp appeal to a larger market of eaters and ultimately take a bite out of the exploding population?

"So far, all I can say is that they are disgusting," reported Paul Kahan upon receiving his share at the Publican.

"The shape was salmon like, with a bull head," said David Carrier from Kith & Kin. "It kind of looked like a character from Return of the Jedi."

"They almost bleed like a land animal," said Browntrout chef Sean Sanders. "It's a very, very bloody fish."

Paul Kahan's crew didn't try that hard. "After a few attempts at butchering, we were adequately creeped out and will not go any further," he e-mailed.

Some chefs had better luck including Philip Voss who is the one struggling to fillet the fish in the video. Voss also posted his view of the Asian carp experiment on his foodie blog The Pickled Toungue.

Foss's Crisp Paupiette of Asian Carp in Barolo Sauce....mmmmmmm.

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Reader Comments (3)

the hardware voss employed was pretty funny. great video/link and that dish sounds delicious!


March 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEvan!

oh, and not that it matters that much, but I think you guys used the photo of the original dish rather than the version he created.

March 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEvan!

12 lbs out a 60 lb's diet food, you burn more calories trying to clean the thing than you ultimately consume. Somebody get Galven on Oprah, he's sitting on a gold mine.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersalmonstik

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