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Zero to Hero

Follow the trials and tribulations of a dedicated group of fly anglers know as the Musky Tribe.


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Reader Comments (92)

It's not a nickname it was given to me by my mother, right before she left me in the mountain to be raised by a family of badgers. She said "there's the mountain little man" it later got shortened. As I rarely read the threads I rarely post (the badgers were highly educated-they taught me readin, ritten and rithmatick!) But this is without a doubt absolutely hilarious!!
SRV you have some serious latent homsexual tendancies there, if you want to fuck Robert Thomes, you may want to take him out to dinner!! If your mom will let you out of the house after 10pm! Don't forget the reach around after your 45 seconds of furious lovin!!!

Jack Pine Savage you have an ax to grind, get a dirty girlie or boy magazine some kleenex and go grind your ax.... Arrest records, really??? You must be a sweater wearing pussy!! When you party drink and live on the edge, you sometimes you run into the man, big fucking deal!! they ain't raping or killing anyone, and one man's poaching is another man's sustinance. Get out of the city, seriously reading US magazine and carrying a manbag to a coffe house to post past arrest records,...well that's a pathetick existance.

Afton Angler- went to the website and all I saw was about a conservation scholarship, which I found pretty cool. If he really said "I will help you become an better angler" well isn't that what a guide is supposed to do? If they made up their own nicknames, I sure the fuck hope there was a bong with some sticky green and a bunch of empty beer cans after that session, vomit optional, otherwise it is kind of gay.

Personally I wouldn't want to fish with anyone one of you fucking sorry assed sons of bitches. You all know everything, you are all the best fishermen, you are better than this guy, or you know this water better than anyone.....really? Bullshit!! Pop the bubble-It sounds like John Nash, but he was brillant, troubled yes but intelligent, this thread just sounds troubled. there are voices in your heads!!! The man is watching you!! Someone Can and DOES outfish you, get over it, it's not an olympic sport.

Douche bag, assholes, polesmokers and a whole other litany of juvanile put downs, really that's the best you can do? Sorry pa-thet-ick dirty snachez recieving crossdressing vegan communists!!!

There are some seriously angry folk on here, I'm sure they are the same ones that constantly post on the friday pinup, probably because they can't get laid. These are pathetick souls who are the only ones that a hooker suddenly gets a headache when they pull up for services. Angry and unlaid is no way to go through life boys, and yes I called you boys because that is what you are. Snivalling little whiney assed bitches, who talk all big and tough....over what a picture of a big fish? Seriously get a fucking life your parents had such big dreams for you, hope you sleep well at night knowing you dashed them on the rocks of your pathetick reality!!!

I'll be back in three, four or five months, maybe if life allows me. SRV, and Jack-off Savage, I'm sure you'll now post how you'll kick my ass, "yeah that's right he won't post anymore, we skairt him!" Sorry life beckons............Keep being King arthur in your world of make believe, everyone on here knows you call your winky excaliber!!!

February 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermountainman

Wow, these Musky Tribe members are just too cool for school! and tough bad asses to boot!

Between them and the whole lot of interweb douche bags at The Drake, really makes me embarrassed to even be associated with fly fishing any more...

February 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSilver

Is the internet killing the fly fishing star?

February 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Buggles

Silver, maybe you should start trolling. It'd be a lot less embarrassing for you...

February 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGold

Never seen E-Jealousy so rampant. Keep on fellas. Pure comedic gold.

February 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSquiggz

I once heard Brad bohen brought a dead baby muskie back to life by mustache rub, only to end its short life with a round house kick to the head!!! Oh yea and it was on the fabled private waters of a very public river

February 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfly by day

I completely understand the need for the Chum-line to entertain us with the family version of the internet cowboy game in regard to the topic . I am busting a gut at all the intelligent interaction. BUT SRV........... to take a shot at a mans wife, them's fighten words! I live in Americas Dairyland and to insult the women of an entire state who's economy is based largely on cows, milk and turkey is just, well just kind of juvenile, and I'm mad. The reference you made to her skin color must make you one of those racists. I herd about guys like you out here in the country-side where I live. I bet my wife could whip your lumpy potato ass in a leg wrastling match. TAKE THAT!

February 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMashed and Turkey

Hi Brad, it is sad that this bashing has gone this far. I know most all of the respectable midwest guides and I understand you are just trying to make a name for yourself. My suggestion is for you to do this through hard work and a good reputation. As a full time guide for the better part of 3 decades I know this first hand. There are no short cuts to full bookings and respect from other local guide operations. As a good piece of advise without calling you fowl names I ask you to try and do this the honest way. Through hard work and time. Good luck to you. I hope this horrible press will not scar your ability to become a great midwestern guide. You have a tough row to hoe. Get your head on straight and gain your respect from your guide peers.

Best of luck,


February 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRay L

What I hate most about AA is that he feels the need for recognition for his accomplishments of catching a musky on a fly rod. I dont know how all you cock sucking supporters can even stand to read his fucking posts on drake about his musky season. Brad your boat boated 100 musky this season. No one fucking cares. From previous post i guess you fished 150 days. You must be a fucking ree tard. Do the math you averaged 2/3 of a fish a day. That is fucking pathetic. Nothing to brag about moron. everything about you bothers me. your need to attention is worse than Bent rod media and they are a bunch of fucking losers so what does that tell you about urself. When you start averaging 3 or more fish a day let me know and i will let you pay me to take me fishing and show you how to fish musky.

February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCW


You catch a lot of musky on the fly?!?!?!? Do you guide? I have been looking for a very professional, personable, and humble guide that can promise over 3 musky every trip. Please contact me at

P.S. Keep up the good work, you seem like a super dude!


Pond Scum
Member of the Lucky Sperm Club

February 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPond Scum

haters hate
lovers love
anglers angle
and musky rule the freshwater!

February 25, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermilosh

Snoop says fuck dem play hatin bitch niggas! My homie dre put down some mad beats about it- listen up bitches!!!!

February 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSnoop Doggy Dogg

I see Jack Savage went fishing the Chicago River and SRV's mom won't let him on the internet anymore, probably had to do with her finding that "Thia boys in bondage" she caught him reading. As I never met Afton Angler before, I was surprised when I attended the Pleasanton fly fishing show. I saw a guy out there slashing tires and rolling grandmothers I knew it had to be him, you know Manson with bad breath and a bag of poisened candy he was handing out to kids!!

Actually was just watching him tie (and he handed them out to anyone and everyone who wanted one) after watching awhile I realized who it was on the name badge. Screw all these pole smokers, just keep doing what your doing and maybe, just maybe some day you too will be able to guarantee 3 muskies a day like CW......Same guy who sees an 8 point you get with a bow and says "I got a 10 point with a rusty butter knife ran it down you know...through briars...hemlock..cactus....and a blizzard.....while being chased by a grizzly I carried one of her cubs on my back......after I slashed the buck with my rusty butter knife...I wrestled momma down and now she's my pet. Honest! Oh yeah and I can promise you 3 muskies a day!!!

CW reach between your legs until you find hair, pull hard, really hard that way you can extract your head from you ass!!!

Brad you got your keel evened out nice meeting you.

Give a call or e-mail and we can go roll grandmothers!!!!

March 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermountainman

I'm not a grandmother or a man. I am, however, a lady who's fished with the musky tribe. I've caught fish, ate well, and woken up with my honor intact. (darn). I can imagine that many men would like to live the life of a full time angler. I cannot imagine why the life and blogs of another would draw such ire. I like to read the words and adventures of many fly fisherman. Hanging out with women is usually fraught with this kind of sad, gut wrenching thrash. (not trash)
When I needed a reference for a guide in a time slot the MCO could not serve, I was handed a list of locals, with the digits. All four tires made it out alive.
CW and Jake. I am embarrassed for you. I have not read any of your thoughts that have proven to be remotely accurate. If this group of men were as nefarious as charged, it would stand alone, no rant needed.

March 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersplash

If you have ever met Brad Bohen- You would realize that the guy doesnt have a mean bone in his body. He is willing to help those in need. He shares the information he knows about fly tying, about fish, about life. I have rarely met a guy who is as nice as he is.

The fact is, he likes to fish... others may have a "real" job and enjoy fishing. This guy just wants to fish. 24/7 eat, sleep, talk fish. Wants to learn the Nuances of what makes fish tick- the hows and why's the wheres and whats. That to me is what makes a great guide.

Someone who understands the fish... and lets be honest anyone who says that they know it all- is just that- a know it all that actually knows nothing. I have never heard Brad profess that he knows everything about musky. I promise you this though... if he doesnt, his learning curve will be very steep- He has a passion and it shows. It is remarkable what people can do and learn when they put there minds to it.

So- with this in mind- I have to think that anyone bashing Brad must have a hidden agenda.

Ive booked 4 days with him for this next season- Im looking forward to it.

Last thought... How many people- let alone guides.... Set up a scholarship fund for a stranger... Any of you guys who make much more money than a guide to that... any of you guides do that?... anyone with a real job do that?

Didnt think so... whats that tell you about Brad... He's a pretty damn good guy and I choose to spend my money with a guide that acts like him.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFishing Client.


The musky tribe guys know Aaron Otto?

For real?

Could they get me his autograph.

April 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAwestruck

Hey, wait.

Is fishing client really Aaron Otto in disguise?

Reads like his level of douchebaggery, I think it might be!

Fishing client, could you sign my virtual mag for me, please?

April 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAwestruck

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