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Trinity River


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Reader Comments (10)

2011 eh? Is Doc on the bank with the Delorian and the flux capacitor?

December 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterQueequeg

Trinity River 2011? DO they have some special camera which sees into the future?

December 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSeth

Great, More Hot Spotting Duche bags that make a video of crappy casting. Sweet!

December 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLow Dogg

Maybe I am taking this to personally especially considering your name is "Low Dogg" but if a short film of my clients and friends offends your over ego expectations of what good casting is then who is the d-bagg? hot spotting???been fishing the 't' half my life and guiding it half of that. Im glad the majority of the fly fishing community is not cynical/judgmental like you; If it was, people would not take the time to film and edit- to upload and share- allowing cool melting pot blogs like moldychum to re-post to the masses. Theses blogs allow us to have something to watch on the shitty days when rivers are blown. I to am guilty of over analyzing others vids. Making mental notes of poor fishing or filming techniques which aids in the refinement of my style. I do NOT post my pointless critiques for the author to see. This content (fish porn) allows us: to see others experiences, learn and further develop our love for this thing we call fly fishing.....perhaps its best to keep your non-constructive criticisms to yourself unless your goal is to have fish porn content to dry up!

December 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrannon

Cool video. And don't sweat the haters because this site is chock full of them. They have nothing better to do because they are not out there fishing but are sitting in an office somewhere being jealous as a MoFo. I am missing the trinity this year....keep slapping the Steel! Confluence/Clearwater represent!!

December 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDerek

Since you've "been fishing the 't' half my life and guiding it half of that", I would have thought that maybe you observed the ridiculous crowds, fights, littering, rude behavior, excessive drift boats the past 5 years on the Trinity and been a little more respectful and sensitive to posting on a well read website like the Chum. Don't you enjoy the days of your past when you shared the river with just a few other people instead of driving from Junction City to Del Loma looking for a wide out in the road that doesn't have two cars in it?
I understand you are a guide, for an outfit with a great reputation and some outstanding guides like Gino, Andrew, and Jon, and you are looking to promote this great sport and attract clients to this great area, but take into consideration what you do to the locals. Would this video be any less effective promoting your services if it was simply title "Norcal 2010"? Label it as the Trinity on your own website, not here.
Why continue to over-hype the trinity, give it a rest, don't fall into the same path as the other whores. Are there no ambiguous fly fishing videos/posts anymore? Wouldn't you rather watch your video and have people wonder, where is that? Have them imagine themselves taking a simular trip? Finding that green, swollen river with a perfect tailout that is guaranteed to hold a steelie or two? Use your photography to enhance peoples imagination, desires, and senses, instead pointing and telling them "go fish over there"

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLow Dogg

Dearest Low Dogg & Derek
First, I love that I have met (over a blog) two people that that I can already tell I would get along just fine with on a float down the river...Disclaimar (yes I knowingly misspelled disclaimer): I am about 7 sierra nevadas deep...
Derek...I appreciate your reminder that there are always haters out there. I should always be mindful that you can not please everyone. With that said, (as I did) watch the interview between Coach Duff and the skate the fly crew... Coach Duff reminds that we take this thing to F*$&^ing seriously... I love it. He puts it al in perspective. Basically if you view this web site you already know the secret to life= we only get one chance!!! see all that life can provide!!!!= any ascetic joy = fly fishing for u and me.
Any wayzz
Low Dogg
If i Don't know you.... I am about toooo
Ya you know all my buds mentors and brothers
Then you also might know that website like Moldy Chum ( respectfully) don't ask...they view- respect- and repost...technologyyyy....
Next you are completely right! I hate the fact that one of my favorite rivers has become home to incompetent degenerate retards that would fish beads all day in one whole and leave their trash. Respect the habitat is numro uno in my book!!! I postTrinity 2011 because I didn't expect anyone to view this other then the few people involved and a couple others.
to proclaim some one's casting is shitty when you can tell they don't have the luxury of fishing more than a few days a year is down right low....and I can tell you are better than that.
Lets fish together...
Life is to short to have no point.. lets get together and come to a common ground= NTFC= No Trash for our Fish Crusaders( reminder: 8 sierras deep)
Work with the limited state river monitors and keep sake a section of the river..
ight' tooo much effort
Night'' see ya''alll in 2011

December 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrannon

Well put Low Dogg. Brannon please don't throw another tizzy fit on the board. Please understand the thought there. Seeing our native waters get mauled by the masses is very disheartening to the guys who are obsessed with the sport. I've worked in the fly industry a long time, and I've seen many California watersheds go to shit because of overhyping. Ambiguity is key!

December 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTall Can

My post was submitted before your last was posted Brannon. I understood most of what I could extract from it. I am mindfull of your indulgence. Not hating, cause you have a good choice in beer. I would have been drinking too last night if I didn't have such an early morning today. Anyway,....glad we can all get along, and THAT is what this sport is all about! Can Low Dogg and I book a day on the water? Tell Hazlett and Gino "whattup?"

December 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTall Can

the trinity is no secret. if people are interested in fishing it, they probably already have...

brannon, great job on the website and video. I will call you when i get back from mexico.

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDarrin

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