Washington State cuts Salmon in the Classroom program

Every year, 40,000 schoolchildren in the state are introduced to the life of salmon through the Salmon in the Classroom program. But due to state budget cuts the program is ending in January.
LINK (Via: The Seattle Times)
Maybe the state should just close one of their useless hatcheries so we can continue to educate future generations about the importance of salmon?
save our wild salmon in

Reader Comments (6)
What a pity.
These school-children are the future of America.
Our future outdoors-men, fisherman, biologists, stewards of the water, land, wildlife, and fisheries.
What a pity.
The salmon in the classroom project was pretty cool. I remember the couple tanks we had at my elementary school back when the program first started. we learned a lot.
Nothing- Same here mate, I grew up and went to school on the banks of the Nooksack. IIRC it was always the 5th grade class that actually did all the field work, but the tank sat out in the hall of our tiny school(Maple Falls Elementary) so that all of the students could check the salmon out and enjoy the experience. It gave we children a chance to take ownership in our natural resources and a chance to study and learn about our natural surroundings.
This is too valuable a project to lose. I am currently setting up my salmon tank in my classroom in preperation for this season's eggs. I have seen first hand how valuable this program is to the science curriculum in my 7th grade science classroom. As stated in the article,kids share with their parents what they learn in their class. Our local fly club provides financial assistance to 5 teachers each year to help defer costs associated with participation in the Trout in th Classroom. Pehaps more clubs could step forward to help out in Washington to keep their program afloat.
This is garbage, I remember doing trout in the classroom growing up in California, it's how I was introduced to fly fishing.
I live in Ohio. The Carp in the Classroom Project was also cancelled.