Asian carp DNA found in Lake Michigan; Supreme Court rejects remedy

Photo: Chris Young
More bad news on the efforts to stop Asian Carp from entering the Great Lakes.
New water samples reveal that Asian carp DNA has been found in Lake Michigan near the city of Chicago, the first indication that the giant leaping fish, which can upend entire ecosystems, has made it up the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and into the world's largest freshwater system.
The Journal Sentinel learned of the apparent breach just minutes before the U.S. Supreme Court announced it had declined a request from a coalition of Great Lakes states to force the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to slam shut two lakeside navigation locks in a drastic attempt to protect the Great Lakes and their $7 billion annual fishery.
LINK (Via: JS On-Line)

Reader Comments (7)
And that is why I think every lawmaker in the country should be forced to take biology.
Wow. Just wow. How about we mandate an minimum level of education for the people that run this country. I know that goes against the "American Way" but allowing environmentally illiterate people to make decisions for us is not acceptable. How about a max of 4 year term for all senators and representatives? Or, even better, how about we go to an actual democracy, where the people actually vote rather than the republic we now have where people vote for some clown to make decisions for us because, apparently, the Found Fathers thought we were too stupid to understand big boy problems.
one word: Bounty
God damn F.I.B.'s. These fish have some very powerful friends from Chicago.
I saw this today and a stunned. Between the zebra mussels, lamprey and now these carp we will be wetting a line to catch some pretty nasty things in the years to come. I give the MI folks credit for going to bat to try to make a difference.
This is a very sad day for the State of Michigan!!!