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Entries in trout unlimited (31)


Do you know where your water comes from?


Fly Vanity Plates

A classic ad from TU.


T.U. On the Rise on the OP

Smethurst filmed one of his last episodes as host of T.U.'s On the Rise late last winter here on the OP. Dylan at Skate the Fly has more from behind the scenes  as he rowed the camera boat.


Trout Unlimited Applauds Gas Company Disclosure

Responding to an announcement by Range Resources Corp. that it will disclose the list of chemicals it is using in hydraulic fracturing of gas wells in the Marcellus Shale region in Pa., Trout Unlimited (TU) applauds the energy company for its plan.

"If Range Resources is planning to disclose the chemicals it uses in its drilling operations, there is no reason other companies can't do the same," said Elizabeth Maclin, TU's Vice President for Eastern Conservation. "With thousands of wells being drilled throughout Pennsylvania, knowing what is in fracking fluids is an important step toward protecting the state's natural resources."

LINK (Via: The Outdoor Wire)


Teton Canyon - A Wild Legacy at Risk

Watch the new video and see why Trout Unlimited is committed to protecting this national treasure for future generations. Or visit this TU site page to learn more.


What do Wild Steelhead mean to you?

Tis the season to gear up for Winter steelheading.  For us in Washington, it comes in two phases - the hatchery run followed by the wild run.  And when Moldy Chum prioritizes its calendar weekends for the next six months,  February, March, and April take pole position.  It's not a priority fueled by quantity or percentages rather one defined by experience.  It is this experience that has incented Trout Unlimited and Moldy Chum to ask for your help.

We invite all Moldy Chum friends and followers to take 1 minute to answer this survey that asks how much anglers in Washington state value wild steelhead as opposed to hatchery-reared fish. The data gathered, non-scientific though it may be, will be provided to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

“We’d like to find out just how important the experience of catching a wild steelhead is to the recreational angler in Washington,” said Rob Masonis, vice president of Western Conservation for TU. “From a conservation standpoint, we worry that hatchery fish are diluting wild stocks and reducing the hearty nature of steelhead in the Northwest. But we recognize the overall importance of steelhead to the recreational angler. I guess it boils down to a simple question: would you rather catch a wild fish or a hatchery fish?”