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Entries in trout underground (6)


So long.....and thanks for all the fish

In 2005 when we launched the Chum there were only a few social media types tackling the fly fishing petri dish. 

One of those few was Tom Chandler at the The Trout Underground. Over the last 10 years Tom has never shied away from telling like it is and his skill as a wordsmith is something we could only dream about. 

Except for his weekly shortcasts the Underground has been pretty quiet of late and now Tom has announced that he's turning off the lights, grabbing a slaw dog and investing his time elsewhere. 

Best to you and the family Tom, you're always welcome as a guest contributer here on the Chum.


Free Speech Wins!

In 2010 Tom Chandler published a short article about San Francisco Chronicle Outdoor Writer Tom Stienstra’s arrest in the Trout Underground. Despite the fact the story was almost identical to the articles published in many of the state’s largest newspapers, Stienstra wanted it taken down, and filed a defamation lawsuit in order to try and make that happen.

Apparently Stienestra had been partaking in a little to much of the product he was arrested for growing when he filed the suit because a judge has ruled in favor of Chandler and the Underground.

Way to go TC!


USGS To Turn Off 375 Stream Gages

The U.S.Geological Survey (USGS) will discontinue operation of up to 375 streamgages nationwide due to budget cuts as a result of sequestration.

LINK (via:The Trout Underground)


Dam Politics

Tom at the Trout Underground has penned a must read on Siskyou County politics and the Klamath Dam removal.

While Siskiyou County ranks pretty far down the list of California counties in terms of economic output, its comedic potential remains unchallenged.

For some time, I’ve been trying to write a comprehensive piece about river access, dam removal and salmon recovery in Siskiyou County — and the vicious, detached-from-reality politics surrounding them — but it’s like trying to drink from a fire hose pumping “crazy” instead of water.

Instead, I decided to feed the Undergrounders the crazy in bite-sized chunks, starting with today’s post, which amounts to a singular appetizer: A Bold, Constitutionally Based Declaration From An Angry Voter That Just Happens To Be Wholly Wrong.


Now the comedy duo of Siskyou County Supervisors Jim Cook and Michael Kobseff are headed to Washington DC to talk to members of Congress about the Klamath dam removal plan.


Spank that Trout?

An all timer via Tom at The Trout Underground.

We're not quite sure she is spanking a trout, could actually be a salmon or steelhead? Not to mention by our count there are 5 humps vs just 2 spanks. Whatever it is the adipose appears to still be intact despite the humping and spanking. As a result we're launching a new initiative to raise awareness about the dangers of spanking wild fish.

Tom will be pleased to know that he should see an up tick in Google traffic now that he has rocketed to the top of the charts for "trout spank."


Daily Dose of Chum

Courtesy of T.C. at the Underground.

Our best wishes to Tom who is about to embark on an exciting new journey.