So long.....and thanks for all the fish
Monday, November 17, 2014 at 12:08AM
In 2005 when we launched the Chum there were only a few social media types tackling the fly fishing petri dish.
One of those few was Tom Chandler at the The Trout Underground. Over the last 10 years Tom has never shied away from telling like it is and his skill as a wordsmith is something we could only dream about.
Except for his weekly shortcasts the Underground has been pretty quiet of late and now Tom has announced that he's turning off the lights, grabbing a slaw dog and investing his time elsewhere.
Best to you and the family Tom, you're always welcome as a guest contributer here on the Chum.
Reader Comments (2)
TC will be missed big time.....Will have to make the trip to NorCal sometime and hit a certain burger joint in a certain town...who knows who may be there......
Sounds like he was starting to attract some strange people. Wishing Tom and his family nothing but the best!