March 2014 SOTM Entry: Euro Pike

Netherlands chummist Cornelis van Leeuwen and his pike partner Al ran into this Euro toad earlier this month. A sexy time explosion we can only imagine.

Netherlands chummist Cornelis van Leeuwen and his pike partner Al ran into this Euro toad earlier this month. A sexy time explosion we can only imagine.
We woke up one morning about 6 months ago and found out that The Netherlands had a bit of a Chum presence. Now, thanks to Jeroen Schoondergang, we're getting some love in a local magazine - De Roofvis. This issue hit the streets today. Needless to say - we're honored!
English Translation:
The days that fly fishing was the exclusive pastime of dusty old gentlemen in tweed costumes, fishing very expensive trout and salmon streams, are long behind us. Websites like, who consider fly fishing to be more a lifestyle than a hobby, are the proof that a younger, cooler audience is drawn to fly fishing. MC’s look at fly fishing is tantalizing and sometimes even cheeky, but always with a healthy dose of self-mockery.
The short articles, weblogs and podcasts on this website go beyond just fishing. They are also about ‘side-issues’ like nature and environment, art and even fly fishing pin-ups. The site is updated daily, so it certainly pays to bookmark it and take a regular visit.
Find more cool art and writing from Jeroen here