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Entries in the humblefisherman (2)


June SOTM Entry: Lady Luck Brown

From the inbox:


Meet my girlfriend Jen (we call her lady Luck) with a beauty of a 28.5 inch brown caught on top with a foam tan chernobyl ant.  She caught this pig during a stonefly hatch last week on the lower Bow River in Alberta, Canada. 

I was stunned when it hit the rubber net, my friends were stunned when we showed off the pic. "Slab", said one. "Indeed", said another.  I hope you can accept this entry in slab of the month.

Be well,

Jay Jones (the Humblefisherman)  


Glacial Bull Trout

Awesome, eh!?!

Glacial Bull Trout (a The Humblefisherman production) was screened at the Back Cast Film Festival in Calgary Alberta, Canada on Saturday night and was awarded in the "Best Film" catagory.