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Entries in seals in the news (3)


9th Circuit Revisits Sea Lion 'Kill List' 

And the beat goes on......

Animal-rights groups urged the 9th Circuit on Friday to halt a plan to trap and kill California sea lions that feed on protected fish species near the Bonneville Dam, asking the court, "When does it end? When does the killing stop?"

LINK (via: Courthouse News Service)


Cape Cod fishermen want to kill a bunch of cute, fuzzy gray seals

Photo: Mick Garratt

The west coast is not the only place where anglers are having issues with growing seal populations.

Some fisherman are so annoyed with the resurgent gray seal population around Cape Cod that they’ve suggested culling the population by shooting them right between their wide, trusting eyes.

LINK (via: Jezebel)


Scientists Enlist Seals In Hunt For Steelhead Ocean Hideout

Federal fishery biologists are engaged in a high seas hunt to locate prized Columbia River steelhead.

Scientists want to know where these threatened fish disappear to while they mature in the Pacific Ocean.  To help the search, the researchers have enlisted some unusual -- and furry -- assistants.

LINK (Via: OPB News)

Seals are also being used to chart the ocean floor.

57 elephant seals, which have an electronic tag affixed to their skulls, are being used to collect data about the seafloor's topography, called bathymetry.

LINK (Via: Gizmodo)