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Entries in sea lion (3)


Sea Lion Removal To Resume At Bonneville Dam

Photo: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

Oregon and Washington have been authorized to resume "removing" California sea lions that gather just below the Columbia River's Bonneville Dam.

Removing being code for euthanize.



Sea lion yanks fisherman overboard

A sea lion yanked a 62 year-old retired pharmaceutical company manager out of his boat and into the 51-degree Willamette River channel.

Clinging to the gunwale with his right hand, he held fast to the net with his left but was no match for what likely was a male California sea lion.

He had to let the $150 net and the fish go. Gone, too, were his son's G. Loomis rod and Penn reel, valued together at about $500.

LINK (Via: Oregon Live)

Support your local salmon!


Let my Pinnipeds Go!

The U.S. Humane Society has taken their case against the lethal removal of Columbia River sea lions to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

An appellate panel on Nov. 6 focused almost exclusively on the contention that the federal government illegally scapegoated salmon-eating California sea lions by allowing their lethal removal from the Columbia River even while endorsing activities that cause greater fish mortality.


Looks like they might have an argument.

Despite the removal of 25 sea lions by lethal measures, or one way tickets to Sea World, sea lion salmon consumption actually went up this year below Bonneville Dam.