Come Sail Away

The newest addtion to the Seabreacher family. Can someone say seal control?
The newest addtion to the Seabreacher family. Can someone say seal control?
Marine biologist Rick Rosenthal witnesses something no one has seen before: an adult sailfish believed to possess poor eyesight feeding at night. Then, drawn by the glow of Rick's flashlight, a baby sailfish emerges from the darkness.
Blink and you'll miss it. In fact, you'll miss it even if you don't blink: the Atlantic sailfish can kill so fast, its hunting strategy is briefly invisible to the naked eye. Only through high-speed video footage was the fish revealed to perform swordplay with its bill that would put even the most skilled swordsman to shame.
LINK (via: Zoologger)
= pelagic awesome.
The Pelagic Life crew went in search of bait balls with a particular intension in mind. Finding a static bait ball in blue water in order to closely capture sail fish eating individual sardines. Capturing the exact moment in which the sailfish hit the sardines and then swallow them has never been easy. Fortunately the conditions on this calm day out in the blue made it ideal to try such an endeavor.
Filmed and edited by Jero Prieto
This footage was captured off Isla Mujeres in Mexico aboard the yacht Piracy by Shearline Boatworks.
LINK (via: Grind TV)