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Entries in peter laurelli (10)


Surf & Inshore Fly Fishing 2011

We've really enjoyed Peter Laurelli's 2011 Surf and Inshore Fishing video shorts over the past few months but those prior pieces were just an appetizer to the full meal deal.

This is the full 35 minute version of Peter's 2011 season and it is stellar. The film is not only a visual celebration of nature, the soul of the sport and the East Coast salt water fly vibe, but it also features some of the finest blitzing fish footage I have ever seen.

Set aside 35 minutes so you can watch it from beginning to end, you will not be disappointed.


Surf & Inshore Fly Fishing 2011 - Intro

Peter Laurelli's 2011 SIFF project is complete, this intro is the first 2 minutes of what promises to be a delicious 35 minute piece.


From our favorite one man band: Peter Laurelli


More arousing Surf and Inshore footage

Surf & Inshore Fishing 2009 - Part 1 from Peter Laurelli on Vimeo.

As before, this really does nothing but kick all kinds of butt. 


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