Zhupanova - A Kamchatka River Adventure

From Matt Jones and Tailwaters Travel
The Zhupanova is perhaps the most beautiful and scenic river in Kamchatka. Its close proximity to Petropavlovsk (one hour by helicopter) and its huge Rainbows make it perhaps the most popular river on the peninsula. The average trout living in the Zhupanova is a solid twenty-five inches! Later in the season around the first week of August, huge white spotted char known as Khundza arrive which average around twenty-seven inches and some of these veracious critters easily bust thirty-five inches and are a rod breaking fight on a seven weight. Of course there is also enormous runs of all five species of salmon (particularly the silver or Coho), however most anglers soon discover that they are in search of the huge rainbows and do not pay any attention to the salmon. Also found in excessive numbers are aggressive dolly varden that are easy to catch, make for good photos, and will grab a mouse or flesh fly with abandon.
Filmed with Sony FS700 & Odyssey 7Q+, Canon 5DMKIII
Music - Serac - Luke Atencio
Down By the River - Milky Chance