Entries in hatchery steelhead (5)
Scientists Find Clues in Cases of Fish Virus

The spread of a highly virulent fish virus in four separate coastal Washington watersheds from 2007-2011 has been described in a new research paper by the U.S. Geological Survey. The most probable source of the virus was identified as steelhead trout originating from the Columbia River Basin.

“NOAA believes it’s risky to rely too much on hatcheries"

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) wants to see at least four Southwest Washington streams identified as wild steelhead strongholds with no planting of hatchery fish beginning in 2014.
Money quote from Rob Jones, hatcheries and inland fisheries chief for NMFS.
“NOAA believes it’s risky to rely too much on hatcheries and that some areas that are important to steelhead should not be planted with hatchery fish,’’ Jones said.
Hatchery Threatens Native Fish

Steelhead trout from a Northern California fish hatchery prey upon and interbreed with threatened native fish, in violation of the Endangered Species Act, an environmental group claims in court.
The Environmental Protection Information Center sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and five top officers of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, in Federal Court. It claims the defendants hatch and release the trout without proper clearance, to stock streams and lakes for recreational fishing.
The nonprofit group claims that the hatchery fish "compete with, prey upon, or interbreed with native wild coho and Chinook salmon and wild steelhead trout that are listed as threatened with extinction under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). The hatchery steelhead trout cause a 'take' of wild salmon and steelhead that is illegal in the absence of authorization by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)."
LINK (via: Courthouse News)