Welcome to the Flybrary

The Flybrary is photographer T.C. Geist's “index” of fly images. It intends to document the evolution of fly design by individual tyers…. famous, infamous or obscure.

The Flybrary is photographer T.C. Geist's “index” of fly images. It intends to document the evolution of fly design by individual tyers…. famous, infamous or obscure.
Gizmodo puts four cameras through gadget hell to determine the ultimate rugged shooter. Turns out, they are all great in some ways, and they all have some serious flaws.
For a short period of time, BestBuy had a listing for a new rugged Olympus TG-1 iHS Tough camera on their website. The entry is now removed, but you can still see the cached version of the page.
Photo Rumors lays out all the specs.
Infinite Picture will take a search for a specific tag and display a Flickr image that is a composite of other Flickr images tagged with the same term....like fly fishing. Every time you click on the image you get more detail until you click on another individual image and the process starts all over again. Amazing, especially after a couple of pulls on the fish whistle.
Ace fly fishing and architectual photographer Ed Sozinho and friends just returned from their annual late winter pilgrimage to Idaho. Ed's fine gallery of shots from the trip is almost as good as being there yourself.
The only thing missing is the cigar smoke.