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Entries in fly fishing news (9)


The bad news is that after two recent meetings in the Bahamas, things seem to be getting worse


IFTD 2015 New Product Showcase Winners 

Over a thousand attendees of International Fly Tackle Dealer voted for their favorite new products for 2015.



Jim Murphy launches new tackle company

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, Jim Murphy former President of Hardy North America is launching a new fishing tackle company.

Prior to Hardy, Murphy worked at Thomas and Thomas before founding the Redington Fly Company, the Albright Tackle Company and the Landing Creek OEM Company.

LINK (via:Angling International)


5 Minutes for Nymphing

Join Red Wing Star Pavel Datsyuk and licensed, Streamside Orvis, fly fishing guide Greg Miller on a half day fly fishing adventure on the Manistee River near Traverse City, Michigan.  The lucky auction winner will meet Pavel Datsyuk in Traverse City and head out to the Manistee River for a guided float trip for one person plus Pavel on the waters of the Upper Manistee River. 

LINK (via: Adams Chapter of Trout Unlimited)


Kiribati fields team at Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championship

Expert anglers from around the world are in Tasmania for the Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships. Among the teams fishing for trout will be a group from the small Pacific island nation of Kiribati.

There are no freshwater rivers or lakes on Kiribati.

They're a team that knows how to make an entrance. Dressed in waders and walking past gum trees down towards a freshwater lake in the Tasmanian highlands the fly fishing team from Kiribati is about to do something that they could never do at home.They're going trout fishing. Nareau Bataeru is the team captain and he's from a small coral atoll called Christmas Island where there's no fresh water rivers or lakes.

The team is hoping to use the fly fishing championships to make the point that their low lying island home may be on borrowed time due to global climate change.

LINK (Via: Radio Australia)


Tire slashing spree in B.C. targets U.S. Fisherman

According to Internet fishing blogs, up to 30 instances of tire slashing may have occurred recently all along the Vedder River and in campgrounds in the area.

"Tires were slashed on 20 vehicles up and down the river," one blogger said, "and the culprits were not only doing one tire but multiple tires, and they were specifically targeting vehicles with American plates."

LINK (Via: BC Local News)