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Tire slashing spree in B.C. targets U.S. Fisherman

According to Internet fishing blogs, up to 30 instances of tire slashing may have occurred recently all along the Vedder River and in campgrounds in the area.

"Tires were slashed on 20 vehicles up and down the river," one blogger said, "and the culprits were not only doing one tire but multiple tires, and they were specifically targeting vehicles with American plates."

LINK (Via: BC Local News)

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Reader Comments (21)

A crazy canuc did the same thing where I live. Northern Wis. Only it was in a bar parking lot.

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristopherSeverin&2

Nothing new, this was happening to yank cars in the 90's. Perhaps if you douches stayed south of the 49th you wouldn't get your tires slashed... problem solved, When are you building this huge fence? I hear your steelhead and salmon fishing is second to none... haha

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterunimpressed

If the steelheaders could befriend the Okie Noodlers, maybe offer a couple six packs, have the noodler hide in the bushes...well you get the picture. No more problems with the Canadian pussies !

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSnuffer

I guess its "Locals Only", lots of duck blinds, skate ramps and rivers like that.

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSchuey

These fish belong to everybody in the world, its not based on some stupid political boundary.
We used to have pissed off guides pull pins out of stinger trailers hauling drift boats. Real smart when a drift boat flies down the Highway at 75 mph and kills some family driving down the road.

People are morons no matter where you are from. Good fisherman can handle a little pressure knowing the amateurs won't get any tugs anyway.

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSlawdy

unimpressed: When the DFO, fish farms, and energy companies finish their objectives up in your neck of the woods, you will be coming down here to enjoy our abundant (comparatively) steelhead and salmon fisheries. Better start making friends down south soon...or stop worrying about Americans and concern yourself with the real problem.

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterimpressed

I'm sure their royal mounted police are just tying up their horses at the crime scene now.I intend to show canadians the same hospitality should their rigs be spotted along any rivers in America.

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPunctuation Police

Unimpressed has better fishing, skiing, and mtn bike riding than us and he's still pissed off?

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbruiser

Hey unimpressed,

Just to let you know, 73% of Canada's exports go to the United States. What that means is that if it wasn't for trade with the U.S., your country would have less economy than detriot (not a good thing). So get off your high horse and stop being a dick, cause if we wanted we could just buy our sh*t from Mexico and you'd likely be out of a job.

If you don't want "Yanks" there, make non-resident fishing illegal. I assume someone does have some legit gripe to have done this, but what about all the respectful fishermen who got f*cked for no reason? I thought Canadians were nice people. This is definitely an eye opener.

October 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterwow

Takes a reel child to slash tires! Whats wrong lil man!

October 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTom G

Maybe the rampant anti-americanism will stop up here when 75% of the yanks stop rolling into Canada thinking it's iraq and you're here to conquer. Don't come here trying to impose your wills and convert us to freedom fries. Settle down when you're in our pubs, resturants, hotels and rivers. Show more respect on the rivers to locals, how come it's unguided yanks that don't understand river ethics? Those feelings of disrespect run deep and long. It's not your country it's ours and when you are visiting a little respect will go a long way. I used to love having you guys up here now you're not welcome in my boats. Typically, americans cause problems on the water and blacken the eye of guides. We live in Canada, when we enter your country or any other country for that matter we understand that we are in a country different than our own and we try to respect the way things are done, it's that simple.

I'm not worried about the US's trade I have Europeans and non-resident Canadians booking my boats up solid, the Indians and Chinese will happily buy our wood and oil. Trade relations are a double edged sword... I don't see you guys importing electricity from cuba or mexico.... what if that cost exploded.

I am sure there are still some of you that are good guys but it's not just one apple spoiling the bunch anymore.

October 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterunimpressed

Gee... I know what I'm doing the next time I see hoser plates in Wisco.

October 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSilverfish

I fish the vedder alot for steelhead. Its nice because I live right across the border and it doesn't take long for me to get there. Ive never gotten my tires slashed or anything like that and typically all the canadians I meet are nice people. I always have great conversations with people on the river. I think that its definitely a case of a few people ruining it for the rest of us. I think one of the things that causes alot of havoc on the river is that americans dont fish for steelhead and salmon quite the way canadians do. Most people in canada short float, while i personally like my gear closer to the bottom. Bottom drifting too is very popular in the US. Ive had a few canadians whole heartedly convinced that I was attempting to snag steelhead because I was touching bottom with my weight under my bobber. I feel like altercations could arise from things like this. Im also curious-unimpressed, what do americans do on your boat that is undesirable? I dont think it is merely okay to slash tires because you think that americans shouldnt be in canada. theres a ton of canadians that go into the US every day to shop and do other things. But if you have someone thats being a complete jackass, then he probably deserves every bit of it.

October 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfishmayynnee

This is so dumb. Really, really dumb.

October 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterwindow

And I've seen cars from Ontario get their tires slashed on the Oak Orchard and the Cat, so it goes both ways

October 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSlash

The douche I spoke of was the one who needed to settle down. Apparently all pissy because he was cut off from the bar and couldn't get any phone #'s. So Unimpressed don't be so impressed with your gargan. What happens when Canada loses the stanley cup? Oh yea a riot breaks out. Oy! Oy! Oy!

October 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristopherSeverin&2

I live in Newfoundland and I fish with guys from Oregon and Wisconsin. They are class acts and often show more respect for the fish than the locals here. Catch and release is more popular in the US and It's important to get you yanks up here to spread the gospel of Catch and release. Granted we do get the odd republican asshole here but the majority of Americans who come here to fish are class acts.

As for those tires, prob some first nations asshole who thinks he alone is entitled to the whole river system of BC. They slash our tires too. Don't take it personal.

October 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterExtremestream

I am a dual-citizen that resides in British-Columbia. This back&forth hating is so LAME! There are punks any place you go regardless if its in Canada or the USA... Everybody take a deep breath, cool off, crack a cold one and remember that quite likely there are no two countries in the world who have and share so much in common as Canada and the USA. Its good to be friendly neighbors. Lets keep it friendly, pretty low class and narrow minded banter on this topic. You guys should be ashamed...

October 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterspeydog

As the Vedder is a local river for me ,I am ashamed of the way our friends to the south have been treated. Since this occurred twice to two of our friends from Idaho who come up here every year and treat our fishery with nothing but respect.
I flyfish in Washington and Oregon and recently in Alaska and have always been treated with respect as a fellow fisher.

my apologies to the gentlemen that had this misfortune from theses idiots!
lets hope they nail the bastirds

October 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbytemyfly

Speydog--Right on, eh! Cheers!

October 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFishmonk

Tom G you said it brother

October 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTic Toc

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