The Beethoven Edit

A nice tribute to Jon Ain from Will Benson.

A nice tribute to Jon Ain from Will Benson.
Fly fishing for permit is a religion. It's about being in the moment and connecting with something natural, spiritual, and surreal all at once. It's about the process and letting go. It's the instant the fish eats the fly. It's the closest thing to enlightenment you'll ever get. It's SATORI!
The next generation of fly fishermen are here to stay. They are passionate, motivated and knockin on the door of the sport. WorldANGLING is proud to open the door and tell their story. Will Griffiths is a native of the Pacific nothwest and had never cast at a permit before fishing with Will Benson and the crew from WorldANGLING. There is no denying that the future is bright, especially when you have the gods on your side and a permit on the end of your line!
A full blow by blow report on the 1st Annual Palometa Club Permit Tourney.
Proceeds from the tournament benefited the Jon Ain Memorial Fund for the Bonefish Tarpon Trust as well as the school children of Punta Allen.
LINK (via:BTT)
Jackson Kayak team member Drew Gregory set out to to be the first to catch a permit off of a stand up paddleboard.