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Entries in fishing writing (9)


Friends don’t let friends fish for albies

I am planning to make an independent film, and I need financial backers. Auditions for lead roles and supporting cast members begin Sunday, the start of the 70th Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. The title of the film is “Dr. Jekyll and Albie Fisherman Mr. Hyde."

LINK (via:MV Times)


11 Facts About Hemingway’s 'The Old Man And The Sea'

The Old Man and the Sea was the last major work Ernest Hemingway published in his lifetime. The simple story is about an old man who catches a giant fish in the waters off Cuba, only to have it devoured by sharks. Defeated, he returns home with the fish’s skeleton attached to the boat.

Many consider this spare novel to be Hemingway’s best work.

LINK (via:Mental Floss)


Bait and Switch

Nick Schulz wrote this little ditty on the lameness of sport fishing back in 2006. 

In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway writes of a heroic battle between man and a giant marlin. For 50 years, the novel's grandiose vision of aquatic struggle has stood as the last word on sport fishing. It's about time somebody else got a few words in. Here goes: Sport fishing is deeply, irredeemably lame.

LINK (via: Slate)


10 things no one tells you before you take up fishing

Rob Beattie explains everything that no one bothers to tell you before you join the throngs on the riverbanks.

LINK (via: The Telegraph)


There once was a fisherman from Nantucket......

Fishing was Matt Reinemo’s top priority. Then, in quick succession, he fell in love with a non-fishing woman, got married, and became a father. Now along with his tackle box, he juggles a diaper bag. In Compass of My Soul, Reinemo searches for striped bass and peace of mind on the flats of his beloved Nantucket Island, suffers through luxury during a fishless weekend at a bed and breakfast, chases marlin offshore, and fights a losing battle to control the size and scope of a birthday party at home. Through remembrances of his own upbringing in things piscatorial, fishing adventures in Florida, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Costa Rica, and having observed countless fathers fish with sons in his years as a guide, Reinemo considers what it means to be a good fishing father, and somewhere along the way, a great dad.


I'm a few chapters into Matt's book and so far it's a really great read.


Ten of the best fishing literature

The Guardian's John Mullan casts his net far and wide.

LINK (Via:Caught By the River)