Lake Superior perch fishery hurting steelhead stock?
Study shows connection between resurgence of perch, walleye and decline of trout in Lake Superior tributary.
LINK (via:CBC News)
Study shows connection between resurgence of perch, walleye and decline of trout in Lake Superior tributary.
LINK (via:CBC News)
Help fund research on Golden Dorado in Argentina to develop more effective management strategies.
Dorado (Salminus brasiliensis) is an iconic and charismatic fish species in neotropical rivers of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, and northern Argentina. Both sport and commercial fishers value Dorado for their sustenance, vigor, beauty, and challenge. Dorado provides economic support for communities in northern Argentina and throughout South America. Currently the species is facing severe pressure and declining populations due to overharvest harvest, habitat degradation, and poorly understood ecology, including movement patterns.
As the first study of its kind the iconic Golden Dorado the findings and work here stands to be key info that ensures the Dorado will be thriving for years to come.
Groups, anglers and citizens concerned about the restoration and protection of native, wild steelhead of the Skagit River in Washington are welcome to attend this event. You'll hear presentations by noted scientists who work on fisheries and habitat research, and discuss public policy initiatives with wild steelhead advocates.
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM - Social 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Center for Urban Horticulture
Are bonefish less likely to consume bait (or a fly) contaminated by sunscreen?
LINK (via:Fly Life Magazine)
Filmed April 2010 at Mission Blue Voyage.
Tuna are ocean athletes — fast, far-ranging predators whose habits we're just beginning to understand. Marine biologist Barbara Block fits tuna with tracking tags (complete with transponders) that record unprecedented amounts of data about these gorgeous, threatened fish and the ocean habitats they move through.
According to previous scientific literature, it was generally thought that pufferfish hold their breath while inflated, effectively preventing oxygen uptake and governing how long they can avoid would-be predators.
LINK (via: AIMS)