Fish House Punch

There's a little place just out of town,
Where, if you go to lunch,
They'll make you forget your mother-in-law
With a drink called Fish-House Punch. An early-known print reference to Fish-House Punch is in "The Cook" (1885)
In 1732, a group of Philly gentlemen banded together to start a club; they called it, the State in Schuylkill Fishing Corporation. It is the oldest continuously operating social club in the English-speaking world.
They built themselves a house on the banks of the "Skookul," as it's pronounced, concocted themselves an official punch, and set to it. Fish. Drink. Eat.
This refreshing tipple is so tasty that you'll want to put away about a quart of it, and so strong that after you do you'll forget where your pants are -- even if you happen to still be wearing them, which is by no means certain
LINK (via: Esquire)
According to legend, on a visit to the club George Washington drank so much of the potent punch, he subsequently couldn’t bring himself to make an entry in his diary for three days.