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Entries in fish politics (62)


Western legislatures grab for control of public lands 

Brought to you by ALEC and major corporations such as Koch Industries, ExxonMobil and Shell Oil Co.

LINK (via:High Country News)

The extractive resource industry and their paid members of congress like to push the notion that we need to open more of our public lands and waters for oil and mineral exploration.

Maybe they should develop the land and water they already have under lease?

More than two-thirds of offshore leases in the Gulf of Mexico and more than half of onshore leases on federal lands “sit idle.”

LINK (via:The Washington Post)


The EPA Is Annexing Alaska


“I know it sounds a little crazy,” he added. “But it’s really exhilarating.”

Further proof that Congressman Paul Ryan is a few cards short of a full deck.

LINK (via: The Raw Story)


Mike Enzi called, he wants to give his award back

"I never thought I would see the Republican Party doing this kind of stuff."

That's a quote from AFFTA President Jim Klug regarding the the current assault on the environment by the Republican controlled House of Representative.

Everything Klug says regarding the threat to the environment and it's impact on the fly business is spot on, and he should be congratulated for making such a public statement. However, it's not exactly news that Republicans are suddenly trying to gut environmental regulations, they've been at it for the last 30+ years.

Remember James Watt? He was Secretary of the Interior under Ronald Reagan.

Watt decreased funding for environmental programs, restructured the department to decrease federal regulatory power, tried to eliminate the Land and Water Conservation Fund, eased regulations of oil and mining companies, and directed the National Park Service to draft legislation that would have de-authorized a number of previously Congressionally authorized National Parks. Watt resisted accepting donations of private land to be used for conservation purposes and proposed that all 80 million acres of undeveloped land in the United States be opened for drilling and mining in the year 2000. The area leased to coal mining companies quintupled during Watt's term as Secretary of the Interior. Watt was eventually fired for making bigoted remarks.

How about Reagan's Director of the EPA Anne Gorsuch Burford? She was indicted for having tried to gut the agency. As agency head, she cut the budget of the EPA by 22%, reduced the number of cases filed against polluters, relaxed Clean Air Act regulations, and facilitated the spraying of restricted-use pesticides. She cut the total number of agency employees, and hired staff from the industries they were supposed to be regulating. Gorsuch resigned in the midst of a Congressional investigation.

Gale Norton? She was the Secretary of the Interior under George W. Bush and a former staffer for James Watt. At the time of her resignation, Norton was considered "the Bush administration's leading advocate for expanding oil and gas drilling and other industrial interests in the West. After her resignation, driven by an inspector general ethics probe, Norton joined Royal Dutch Shell Oil company as a legal adviser in their oil-shale division.

Norton's replacement Dick Kempthorne held the record for protecting fewer species over his tenure than any other Interior Secretary in United States history, a record previously held by....... James Watt.

Dick Cheney? Where do you start? In addition to his influence on loosening regulations on polluters, he was personally responsible for cutting off water on the Klamath in favor of irrigators resulting in tens of thousands of salmon rotting on the banks of the Klamath River.

Bottom line is the politics do matter. Of the 110 anti-environment votes in the current congress, 97 percent of Republicans voted for the anti-environment position, 84 percent of Democrats voted for the pro-environment position. We can lobby the current congress all day long to vote for a healthier environment but ultimately the real change will have to come from the voting booth.


Recreational Fishing Alliance calls for boycott of Walmart

The Recreational Fishing Alliance is peeved that Walmart has donated funds to conservation groups working to establish Marine Reserves and Catch Share programs.

Perhaps Walmart sees some economic benefit in supporting groups that advocate for the long term sustainability of commercial and recreational fisheries? 

LINK (Via:The Post and Courier)


Conservation Gets the Rusty Machete Treatment

AFFTA Board Member Tom Sadler lays out the gory details of the latest round of conservation funding cuts.

The funding cuts don’t put conservation programs on life support, instead they just left the corpse on the floor to bleed out.

If the hunting and fishing community does not step up and express outrage over this assault on the very foundation of our traditions then we only have ourselves to blame.

Read More (Via: Dispatches from the Middle River)