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Entries in fish politics (62)


Gill-net strategist appointed to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission

Gov. Kate Brown set the hook on sport anglers this past week with her appointment of an Astoria gill-net industry strategist to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission.

Bruce Buckmaster's nomination, due for Senate confirmation in a hearing May 14, is already drawing rapid and rabid fire.

LINK (via: Oregon Live)

Bonus: Buckmaster is also the former owner of a hatchery fish food manufacturer.


Return of the fish wars: Hatchery pits environmentalists against tribe

Some quality in depth coverage of the fight over the misguided hatchery program on the Elwha from Al Jazerra America.


The Elwha is not the only watershed where the debate over hatchery programs is occuring. NOAA's recent decision to withdraw its draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for Puget Sound Hatcheries and opt for a cursory environmental assessment (EA) is likely a direct result of tribal influence in Washington DC.


Your new Congress hard at work 

Photo: NPS

The new new Congress has launched it's anti-environment agenda with a 'no more National Parks’ bill.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Don Young (R-AK), would amend the 1906 Antiquities Act to effectively block the President from designating any new national monuments without congressional approval and an extensive environmental review. Additionally, the bill would require the President to seek approval from nearby state governments for marine monument proposals.

LINK (via: Think Progress)


Another reason why elections matter

Control of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works is now in the hands of clowns like David Vitter.

Here's a taste of their work when they were in the minority.

Sen. David Vitter, top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, has been investigating the collusion between environmental activists, lawyers and lobbyists, billionaires and their supporting foundations who use large sums of money to influence environmental public policy.

Oddly enough no mention of the 100 million the Koch Bros spent this last election cycle.


Guarantee you the first order of business will be changing the header image on the committee web page.


We've lost 97% of the abundance of our wild steelhead in Puget Sound 

Testimony from Jamie Glasgow of the Wild Fish Conservancy before the Washington State Natural Resources and Park Committee hearing on the Puget Sound hatchery settlment.


Across Oregon, nearly 32,000 people have salmon plates on their cars and trucks

Spend a little more of your hard earned money to put an Oregon salmon license plate on your vehicle and the state will....

A. Spend that extra revenue exclusively to undo roadblocks impairing salmon streams across Oregon.


B. Pay the salary and office expenses of a state bureaucrat.

LINK (via: Oregon Live)