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Entries in fish in the news (543)


Atlantic Salmon Federation calls on Greenland to cut catches

Some are calling on Greenland to scrap its commercial factory salmon fishery as part of a multinational effort to protect the stock that migrates north to feeding grounds off its west coast from rivers in Canada, the States and other countries.

The Atlantic Salmon Federation released figures Wednesday indicating that Greenland caught 63 per cent of a certain type of salmon that spent two winters off its coast, while Canada harvested 35 per cent of them.

LINK (via: CBC News)


Fishing with Otters in Bangladesh

Otter Fishing has been a long-standing tradition in Bangladesh. For centuries, fishermen have been using trained otters to lure fish into their nets – a unique technique passed on from father to son that has long died out in other parts of Asia. Bangladeshi fishermen have managed to keep it alive so far, but the future of otter fishing seems uncertain due to the dwindling population of fish in the country’s rivers.

LINK (via:Oddity Central)


Geobass crew unavailable for comment

A huge arapaima – the largest type of freshwater fish in the world, and native to the Amazon in South America – was found under a bridge in Malaysia.



Steelhead tags track mortality

Biologists are taking a unique opportunity to figure out why steelhead are dying.

They're implanting 100 juvenile steelhead with acoustic tags. That way they can track the fish as they migrate out to the ocean.


California drought leads to 'massive effort' to transport hatchery salmon 

Wipe out the habitat and wild fish, give all the water to agricultural interests, grow new fish in hatcheries, truck hatchery fish to ocean. The Aristocrats.

What do you do when you have 30 million young salmon ready for their big journeys downstream, but drought and development have dried your riverbeds to sauna rocks?

LINK (via: Oregon Live)

Irrigators are no friend of endangered fish.


New Bill Proclaims Striped Bass Our National Fish 

Congressman Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) has introduced the Striped Bass American Heritage Act, which would designate this iconic species as the United States' "National Fish." 

Just as the majestic bald eagle is the avian symbol of our nation for its strength, power, and dominance, the striped bass is a uniquely American fish that has been intertwined with the people, history and heritage of the United States for centuries. It played a pivotal role in providing the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony sustenance as early as 1620, and by 1639 conservation laws were enacted to prevent overharvesting. Over the years, however, stripers suffered from pollution that ultimately brought about the Clean Water Act, and after the passage of the historic Striped Bass Conservation Act of 1984 the stocks began a road to recovery.

Now, Congressman MacArthur, who sits on the House Natural Resources Committee, and the Recreational Fishing Alliance believe the time has come to award the striper the same recognition held by the bald eagle.

LINK (via: PR Newswire)