Sign of the Tides

Original, hand-painted rustic fish carvings from reclaimed wood by native Florida artist, writer and urban beachcomber Steve Rice.
LINK (via: Natureboy Designs)

Original, hand-painted rustic fish carvings from reclaimed wood by native Florida artist, writer and urban beachcomber Steve Rice.
LINK (via: Natureboy Designs)
Bob Batchik has been an artist and fisherman for over 20 years. He has taken his passion for creating beautiful wood carvings and used it to establish Sunfish Woodworks, a wood carving design company that specializes in realistic trophy fish carvings.
Bob also creates house signs, custom wood furniture, and original wood toys.
Jim Knuckles hand carves fish using cypress, cedar and southern yellow pine. Jim's carvings are available in standard sizes mounted left or right and custom carvings are available.
Tim Jones started out sketching birds as a young boy but recently started carving and painting a variety of fish.
There is no bio on W.T. Page's website, his beautiful carvings of Atlantic salmon, trout and bonefish speak for themselves. LINK