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Entries in elwha dam removal (36)


Undamming the Elwha

Undamming the Elwha follows the journey of the Elwha river from the day it was dammed to the day it was set free once again.

This KCTS Television original documentary is a co-production of KCTS Television and EarthFix.


Elwha Dams: Before and After

Filmmaker John Gussman has been doing a fabulous job recording the before and after miracle of the Elwha river restoration effort.

LINK (via:The Seattle Times.


They just didn’t think it would happen so soon

Photo: John McMillan

News organizations world wide have picked up on this AP story of wild steelhead returning to the Elwha post dam removal which features this money quote. 

"We’re wildly excited,” said Mike McHenry, fish habitat manager for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. “It just confirms what we have known all along — that these fish are quite capable of recolonizing the Elwha once we get the dams out of the way.”

What the AP story neglects to point out is that if not for a lawsuit, Mike McHenry and his employers would have planted Chambers Creek hatchery steelhead back into the Elwha. We owe the Klallam Tribe a great deal of respect for their efforts to help bring those dams down but their misguided hatchey strategy is a threat to those returning wild fish the world is currently celebrating.  

The LA Times wrote their own piece regarding the returning wild fish and referenced the hatchery lawsuit.

Patagonia fly fishing ambassador Dylan Tomine shares his concerns about restocking the Elwha River with non-native, hatchery-raised fish at the Elwha River Science Symposium.

Dylan and Bill McMillan's piece, The Hatchery Myth in The Flyfish Journal issue 3.2 and Why Hatcheries Suck by Steven Hawley in The Drake are must reads.


Going, Going.......

John Gussman who is documenting the Elwha Dam removal as part of his film Return of the River, has posted some new video of crews taking down a portion of the Glines Canyon Dam with explosives.

Check it out.


Science Cafe - Elwha River Dam Removal 

We've heard a lot about potential impacts of the dam removal on the Olympic Peninsula's Elwha River since it began in September 2011. How will salmon populations respond to the destruction of the two dams? In this Science Café, George Pess of NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center explores how scientists track the dam's effects on salmon and what results they've discovered so far.

via: Way Upstream


The Elwha Dam is gone

Buh bye!

The bare ground in the front of the image is all that remains of the former Elwha Dam in Olympic National Park.

LINK (via: The News Tribune)

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