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Entries in glines canyon dam (6)


The once-towering Glines Canyon Dam's days are numbered.

The final 30 feet of the concrete goliath, which once stood 210 feet tall along the Elwha River, are expected to be gone by this fall as the dam removal portion of the $325 million Elwha River restoration project prepares to draw to a close.

LINK (via: Peninsula Daily News)


Latest blast whittles the Glines Dam to about 35 feet in height

The formerly 210 foot Glines Dam on the Elwha has been reduced to just 35 feet.

LINK  (via:Peninsula Daily News)

Watch the blast video on John Gussman's site.


Lake Mills on the Elwha is almost history

Lake Mills has been steadily dropping since dam removal began on the river in September 2011. But, depending on weather over this weekend, it will be gone by next week. The lake is only about 8 to 10 feet deep at the deepest right now -- down from 180 feet before workers began taking down the 210 foot tall Glines Canyon Dam, now only about 70 feet high.

LINK (via: The Seattle Times)


A week of blasting at Glines Canyon Dam


Going, Going.......

John Gussman who is documenting the Elwha Dam removal as part of his film Return of the River, has posted some new video of crews taking down a portion of the Glines Canyon Dam with explosives.

Check it out.


Fire in the Hole - Take 2

The explosives experts have now turned their attention to the Glines Canyon dam on the Elwha River as part of the restoration project.

Click on the image to watch the video.

Via:(Return of the River)