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Entries in deschutes river conservancy (4)


Deschutes River Recordings - Laura Gibson 

In the third Deschutes River Recording, Laura Gibson rises cliffside to put a spiritual spin on "Down by the Riverside." It's another river song, sung riverside, to benefit the Deschutes River Conservancy.


Deschutes River Recordings - Eric Earley 

In the second Deschutes River Recording, Eric Earley of Blitzen Trapper adds a rough-hewn edge to "Up on Cripple Creek." It's another river song, sung riverside, to benefit the Deschutes River Conservancy.

Free downloads available at HERE.


Raise a Pint for River Restoration

The Deschutes Brewery recently made a one billion gallon annual water restoration commitment to it's namesake river through the Deschutes River Conservancy's water leasing program. 

Through the program, local farmers are paid for the lease of their irrigation water and then that water is legally protected instream. In the spring and summer, water flows are greatly decreased in the river due to irrigation withdrawals. By increasing flows in the Deschutes River through the leasing program, fish habitat is revitalized and water quality is improved.

LINK (Via:Brewbound)


Tight Lines Auction and BBQ Dinner 

Join the Deschutes River Conservancy for an evening of great food, spirits, and fly fishing lore. Bid on fishing packages throughout the west, unique art, and other items including a few exclusive fly fishing packages. The featured speaker for the evening will be Brian O'Keefe.