Entries in daily dose of chum (31)
Daily Dose of Chum
What do the kids get as a parting gift at Cael's awesome shark themed birthday party?
Why a Moldy Chum gift bag of course.
Daily Dose of Chum
Daily Dose of Chum - Da Bomb Edition
No other fish chum or scent gets to the fish as fast and deep as Fish Bomb!
Not be confused with:
The Buck Bomb
The Bear Bomb
The Elk Bomb
The Moose Bomb
The Muley Bomb
The Predator Bomb
The Hog Bomb
The Sika Bomb
Daily Dose of Chum - Skeena Edition
Results from a recently published study conducted by Canadian and US scientists indiates that Skeena River chum salmon were up to 52 times more abundant in the past than at present.
The scientists from SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, Wild Fish Conservancy, and the University of Montana found that while in the last five years the annual return to the Skeena is fewer than 9,000 chum salmon, the average return was between 268,000 and 471,000 chum salmon in the period 1916-1919. The enormity of the decline over time is much greater than previously thought.
LINK (via: Wild Fish Conservancy)