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Entries in clean water rule (2)


Breaking News From Planet Bullshit

House Republicans unveil latest attempt to block Obama's climate and clean water rules.

Along with prohibiting the EPA from implementing those regulations, the bill would reduce the EPA’s funding by $718 million, a 9 percent reduction from fiscal year 2015 levels. According to the Hill, the EPA has already had its funding decreased by 20 percent since Republicans took the House in 2011.

In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would be cut by $8 million, and the Department of Interior would be forced to stop giving federal protection to endangered gray wolves in Midwestern states.

LINK (via: Think Progress)


Obama Announces New Rule Limiting Water Pollution

Much to the chagrin of Congressional Republicans, the American Farm Bureau, property developers, fertilizer and pesticide makers, oil and gas producers and the national association of golf course owners, the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers just released a Clean Water Rule to protect critical streams and wetlands that are currently vulnerable to pollution and destruction.

LINK (via: The NY Times)