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Entries in bear fishing (4)


“It’s the World Cup of bears”

Can't make it up to Alaska for some bear viewing?

Now you can do so from the comfort of your living room, via two live high-definition webcams beside the Brooks River in Alaska’s Katmai National Park.

One camera is installed by Brooks Falls. The bears there are mostly dominant males and they stand in the river with their mouths open waiting for dinner to jump inside.

The other camera is downstream in shallow water. As many as 40 bears gather there to catch salmon with their claws.

LINK (via: wired)


All three barbs were in the nostril 

Crupi's crew tranquilized the bear -- and the sow that was protecting it -- near bear beds not far from the Chilkoot River, where the cub got snagged Aug. 10, apparently after rooting through a tackle box.

LINK (Via: The Spokesman Review)


Рыбак и рыба 

Translates to Fisherman and Fish.

And now for something completely different.

In Russia, the bears hunt you.


Dancng Bears

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