The ancient practice of fishing with a rod and line is now practiced on an industrial scale

Another bait ball blitz courtesy of the BBC's Blue Planet.
A BBC Living World broadcast on the most fearsome of freshwater predators.
The pike has a fearsome reputation as Britain's most successful freshwater river predator. Keen fisherman and retired freshwater biologist Mike Ladle will never forget the first time he landed a pike. He was trying to catch eels, and hauled up a pike instead. When he tried to release the hook from inside its mouth, he soon found out why fishermen treat pike with such respect: their mouths are lined with rows of backwardly pointing teeth. They even have teeth on their tongue, a tongue which is green in colour! So once a pike has trapped its prey in its mouth there is no escape from those rows of thorn-like teeth.
LINK (Via: Caught By the River)
Mr Lindell is the director of the scientific aquaculture programme at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. And for the last few years, he has been training fish. More here via BBC News
Sent to us by good friend (and killer photographer) Alan Corbett