Site C dam approved by B.C. government

British Columbia did not get the memo that the era of giant dam building is over.
B.C. has approved the $8.8 billion Site C dam — a massive hydroelectric project that would flood a large area of the Peace River Valley in northeastern B.C.
LINK (via: CBC)
Opponents see the project as a way to enable the development of multiple BC LNG projects.
“Last month, three LNG projects were approved by the BC Government in our watershed and now Site C Dam in the Peace. All this to support an industry that would frack the hell out of the Northeast, dam some of the greatest farmland in the province, ram pipelines through northwest BC and put terminals on our coast that will destroy wild salmon populations. What’s in it for British Columbians? A foreign workforce?" said Shannon McPhail, with the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition on Tuesday.

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