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Presidential Hopefuls Share Their Views on Recreational Fishing

Keep America Fishing asks the President, and the stiff trying to take his job, eight questions regarding recreational fishing. Given that Keep America Fishing is funded in large part by the conventional tackle industry, it should be no surprise that there are a couple of questions regarding federal "overreach" in recreational marine fisheries management.


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Reader Comments (11)

i promise to do my part to see that Obama soon gets to spend as much time as he wants fishing

September 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersnuffer

And Romney promises to do his part to make sure you soon won't have anywhere to fish. Good choice.

September 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdrill baby drill

I too make that promise- I would much rather have Mr. Obama fishing than doing what he is currently doing.

September 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercantwait2vote

and Romney will try his damnedest too make sure that all of your rivers are private and water rights stripped

September 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermt

I promise to do my part to see that snuffer is a very upset human being on November 6th, 2012.

September 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Boy

I say ol chums. Lets try to fish together. We'll catch the right one sooner or later. Then again look at history and there's seems to be no compromise eh? So quit your bitchin and work to go fishin

September 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChistopheSeverin&2

I promise to make sure John Boy's Nov. 6th efforts are futile. You, sir are my inspiration.

September 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwo cold soakers

All the industry folks better hope Romney wins...otherwise all that discretionary income that goes toward towards guides and fly gear, will now go to pay my higher taxes. The industry is supported by guys like me.

September 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDeath from above

John Boy & mt must not have read the entire article (Cape Hatteras et al).
How are home prices in your part of town?
How much intrest is your money earning at the bank?
All of your friends finding good jobs?
What's gas costing you?
Looking forward to paying the way for more illegals?
If you like the IRS and the US postal service you're gonna love Obamacare.

September 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersnuffer

Hey snuffer, I did read the whole article, all eight questions and the responses from both candidates, but thanks for telling fellow chummists that I didn't before asking me if I did.

Home prices and new home construction are up where I live. Thanks for asking.

You really want to start a conversation about banks and interest rates. Do you know how we got into this economic mess in the first place?

Plenty of my friends have and are finding great jobs. In general, they are feeling more hopeful than they were in 2008 when it seemed all hell was breaking loose. You do remember this recession began in December 2007, right? Who was the president back then? I've been trying hard to forget him. Thanks for your concern regarding my friends' livelihoods. I know it makes them feel even better.

I look forward to reading your dissertation on how much influence the US president has on domestic gasoline prices. You could post it here on the good ol' MC so we could all be enlightened.

If you're paying attention you know that illegal immigration is down dramatically from four years ago. Part of this has to do with the depressed US economy. Hey...I guess there IS something we can thank GW for! Immigration is also down because average family size in Mexico and other Latin American nations has been declining for some time now, leaving fewer working age folks to fill jobs in those countries. But go ahead and waste my tax dollars building your fantastic fence along the border!

I like the Affordable Care Act. I would like to say that I love it, but it doesn't do enough. I'm sorry that it marginally infringes upon your freedom to continue to allow the health insurance industry to bankrupt this nation.

This all comes down to the fact that you can't beat SOMEBODY with NOBODY. Romney and his campaign are becoming more of a joke each and every day. If you think Romney is going to make this nation (and it's fishing) a better place then I've got some really sweet spring creek frontage property in the Gobi Desert I'd like to sell you.

Hey two cold soakers, Glad that I could inspire you, but do you understand the electoral college? Show me Romney's path to victory. At this juncture, it's about as narrow as threading a size 30 midge in fading light with old eyes. Not impossible, but very very unlikely. I think your time would be better spent fishing, but as someone who's been actively involved in politics since childhood, I do respect your desire to influence this election.

And for the record, no, I'm not part of the 47% of citizenry so putridly labeled victims with a sense of entitlement by the fine, upstanding, moral and religious would-be leader of the free world...who's goose is cooked.

Good Day Gentlemen. Time to go fishing!

September 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Boy

Whatever happens, being in the great lakes, the lack of asian carp awareness and plans for controlling them still scare me.

September 23, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterforrest

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