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South Carolina has a growing tarpon fishery

These two clowns are not helping.

The only thing more disturbing than this story about a couple of good ole boys stringing up a 127 pound South Carolina tarpon is some of the comments.


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Reader Comments (4)

Get over yourself. You're just hating because they didn't catch it with a fly rod. They bought the license and kept the fish while abiding the rules for that state. BIG DEAL.

July 19, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteradam

It can be said that reasonable minds can disagree. The point really to be argued is not whether the poon was caught by fly rod and chicken feathers, but rather the fact it was harvested. True, supposedly those guys had a kill tag; the take away is- You cannot have a fishery, without fish. Therefore the author of the post is merely advocating catch and release; that is the BIG DEAL!

July 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWVUFLYFISH

Ignorance is also a large threat to the habitat. There is no reason why the fish had to die, but if they were within the fishing laws, then it is what it is. State regulation have also been wrong before and had negative impacts on fisheries.

Lastly, the article in this link is written by someone who doesn't understand tarpon, saying that adult tarpon typically range between 40 and 60 pounds. Not true at all. Tarpon can grow to over 200 pounds. Most males don't exceed 100 pounds, so the larger fish are always females. This fish was a female, which also means she is a breeder for future fish. That is what upsets me that the fish was killed.

July 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCoconut Groves

Its a great fish and its great for them that they caught it. It just sucks no one else will get the chance.

July 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJordan

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