Time to push for Hawaii's bones to be designated a gamefish: UPDATE below

A pissed off Coach Duff posted this pic of a commercially harvested Hawaii bonefish on his Facebook page.
Josh Owens followed up with this disturbing image.
Time to mobilze the troops.
UPDATE: Sign the petition to stop gill netting Hawaiian bonefish.

fish pics,
salt water fly fishing in

Reader Comments (37)
Look at that fat fucker in the back. What the hell?
Talk about undervalued...$2.99/lb?
O noes, the native peoples are eating the non-endangered, native fishes like they been doing for generations! Call the fly fishermen, this must be stopped!
So what? Some like salmon, some like tuna and some bonefish for dinner. As long as the fish are "harvested" responsibly without exploiting the oceans it should be ok.
I guess the EMTs have already visited the BTT offices this morning after they saw those pics,
Just because some dude with a fishing flyrod thinks bonefish are cute doesn' t make the locals wrong nor does it give the flyrod set exclusive ownership of the resourse so they can play on their expensive outdoor extreme holiday.
I'm curious if everyone would have the same reaction if they were pulling a net full of non fly fishable fish onto the shore? Are you upset because they are pulling fish up and selling them for a livelihood or are you upset because those are fish fly-fisherman target?
First off, no matter what may be wrong or right in this matter, Barney you are an idiot. The only thing that angers me when any type of fish is netted is that every sized fish in the net are taken out of the water. Big ones with genetics that reproduce the most admired fish are killed along with the little ones who havn't even had a chance to reproduce. I'm not going to rant further on this subject, but I believe there should always be regulations to the size of fish you are allowed to keep. There needs to be a medium that helps secure healthy fish populations.
Personally, I'm surprised that Bones are edible or sought after. They get their name for a reason. Either way, as long as no group is mindlessly depleting a resource, what's the biggie? I'm sure Hawaiians are more respectful and responsible about utilizing Mother Earth's resources than most of us gluttonous heathens here in the states. And please be sure to visit my blog of awesomeness at That is all.
What can we do to get game fish status for bonefish in HI??
hey seth, hawaii is a state
I see nothing wrong with this.
Back to the economics of this whole thing, the sustainable catch and release fishing industry values that net of dead fish well over $2.99/lb retail. When I take some highly prized time off with my family, spend thousands in the local economy, and put in a day catching and releasing wild fish, you can bet each specimen has earned itself in excess of $2.99. Plus it has a better chance of swimming away and reproducing.
Or just kill em all. We can always visit the Bahamas.
Just like their north american cousins and steelhead, by the time Hawaiians figure out that these fish are worth a lot more as playthings than as food- it will be too late. Bonefish taste like shit, although that guy in the back looks like he'll eat anything.
Is it legal, probably. But think about the money that all those "dudes" with fly rods would have dumped into the economy chasing after those fish. Think about all the future fish they could have produced. Instead, they went for 2.99 a pound and got shit out a couple days later...
Hey 's'- thanks for the geography lesson. I am aware. What I meant by us here in "the states," was a loose reference to the lower 48. Stop spending your time trolling boards and Yahoo! stories to try and bust people, when you appear to be somewhat daft yourself.
Many populations of bonefish spend their entire lives in deeper waters, never venturing onto flats and thus are no value to fly fishermen. We have huge boneefish off the coast of Oman which i occasionally see in the market, but they never come into shallow water. That said, I hate to see any fish netted as it is an indiscriminate form of harvesting. These guys could do just as well with hand-lines and prawns if they are looking to put something in the pot. This appears to be commercial fishing. Bottom line, its their native home and their fish to do with what they please and we haoles have no business telling them what they can do or not do with their fish.
A few years back I flew 10 hours from Australia to catch bonefish in Hawaii. I spent $1000s in accommodation, guides, food, beer, local fly shop etc. I had a great time! Would I return and help out your struggling economy, again? No way, not after seeing that picture! I'll fly on past and go spend my money in a country that manages its resources sensibly. No one's denying people of their native food source, but this is simply short term greed that helps no one.
Evidently those Hawaiians don't know that Coach Duff is an internet badass.........
At least they'll be bagged at the grocery store in a paper bag.
What a pity Menhaden arent caught on fly.
To beat up on a bunch of locals using a hand seine net strikes me as being a bunch of racist elitist crap.
I tend to throw in with the locals whether they be
Hawaiians or western ranchers. Who are a bunch of Johnnie-come-latelys to tell others how they should manage their lives and lands so that my recreation can be more pleasureable.
And yes I'm a flyfisherman.
I love the republican trickle down economics argument-protect the fish for the rich fucks who will come to your land and drop a few dollars so you can bus their tables, make their beds, and kiss their asses for tips and minimum wage. Hotel and lodge owners make he money, these guys won't, but perhaps their mothers and sisters might clean your room. Nice!
Ironically, I see racism supporting and racism against this fishery. Frankly, no fucks given.
You whiners are all a bunch of pussies. Just because you fly fish doesnt make you the voice of fish and game regs giving you the right to open your mouth when someone is fishing within their cultural heritage. Next time you are in HI go down to the beach and speak your mind to those guys. I guarantee you those guys will kick your ass.
Sounds to me like Sean is the idiot,,,,