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Good News and Bad News 

The good news?

By voice vote, lawmakers approved a bipartisan amendment from Gulf Coast representatives directing 80 percent of Clean Water Act fines tied to the BP oil spill to go toward Gulf restoration efforts.

The bad news?

House lawmakers approved a plan to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline and expand drilling offshore and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Unsuccessful amendments would have carved out a drilling exemption offshore of California’s northern coast, in the Everglades and in the Great Lakes. A bipartisan amendment to affirm that the bill would not affect funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund was withdrawn.

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Reader Comments (10)

Look I am as much of a conservationist as anyone on here. BUT im not a radical eco nazi. We dont have any solutions that are practical to stop using oil products any time in the near future. However, we are told that this pipeline will destory this and that habitat and how dangerous it is. My father helped to install many of the oil and natural gas pipelines in this country, guess what there are THOUSANDS of miles of them already, they arent causing massive catastrophic damage to the environment....they are relatively safe. Yes there is risk but guess what I DONT WANT 5 dollar a gallon gas. That is where we are headed and YES I would protest the dog piss out of any sitting politician that can stand by and watch that happen. Anyone of those bastards in Washington who claim to care about the economy, but in the next breath is not willing to take immediate steps to help lower the price of fuel is nothing more than a lier and hypocrite. Lower the price of fuel and you will help jumpstart our economy. We are a country that depends on the cost of fuel being reasonable as most of us and our goods are shipped via gas or desiel engines. Im sick and tired of all the eco wackos out there enslaving the rest of us to thier "popular" agenda. If you disagree with what I have said get your head out of your a** and think about it. We need RESPONSIBLE energy answers and that doesnt mean just green energy.

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSanford

On the bright side Canada will no longer need the Northern Gateway Pipeline going into Kitimat in order to export oil.

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterC-Dog

Awesome now I can continue to afford expensive fly fishing gear. DRILL THE ARTIC. HELLS yES!!!!!

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjeff

I agree, I don't think most people have any idea how many hundreds of thousands of miles of pipeline crisscross this country. There is no way to transport petroleum products that is safer or that has less effect on the environment.

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersnuffer

Does anyone truly believe that this oil will be used in the states? I think not. The involved parties are going to export the majority of the oil after refining to China and other gas chugging nations. This is an unfortunate reality, but the price of commerce and the rich getting richer. I blame Henry Ford. Bring on the hate.

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commentershotgunnin gasoline

Responsible policy would consider the cost to our country if the Ogallala aquifer were compromised, regardless of the final solution. Responsible governance would require politicians and the citizenry to engage in dialogue and embrace compromise. But lately, it seems like a pipedream to think of a Capitol Hill filled with folks who don't act like two-year olds or coment threads where posts don't demonize their fellow countrymen.

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChris

Well said Sanford!! If people would just stop and think about how dependent they are on what the pipelines and offshore drilling does, they might rethink some of their arguments. It never ceases to amaze me just how much influence the media has on its viewers. I'm as pro-environment as anyone is, but there comes a time when common sense has to be looked at. This go green movement is so hyped up, but fails to deliver anything of substance. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon of criticizing drilling, pipelines, exhaust fumes, etc. But they're just as guilty as the rest of us and don't have any logical solutions. Accidents happen. Planes crash and you don't see anyone calling for a ban on the airlines. People get drunk and do stupid things, but you don't see anyone calling for prohibition. Bottom line is, we need gas and oil. Our economy depends on it. Whether people want to admit this or not is their right as an indivual, but it makes absolutely zero logical sense.

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDitto

Sanford is clearly an extremist bible thump'n evangelical republican

February 23, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterextremestream

Actually Im jewish and would never call myself a republican. they can screw anything up. I am a conservitive, esp with concerns to fiscal and forign policy. SO WHAT if I was a bible thumper. Why has in this country it become a crime to have morals that are based on the bible. Maybe the country would benifit from a good dose of what is right and wrong instead what emotionally feels good!!!! There comes a time to understand our situation and use common sense. If you wanna start the name calling then I am guess your a libtard from the LEFT COAST or some other soon to be communist state. However, I can clearly see that you only can call names instead of engage in debate. It is the process of debate that ideas are refined and a greater level of understanding is achieved. Thank you sir for you two cents, that one comment says more about you and those like you than any "intellegent" conversation could.

February 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSanford

well said Sanford

February 29, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterpiffy

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