Feb. SOTM Entry: Utah Mackinaw

Chummer: Tommy Knight
Scene: Flaming Gorge Reservoir
Situation: 10" blue/white streamer - less than 10' of agua
Fly Fishing,
flaming george,
lake trout,
utah in

Reader Comments (10)
Lake fish suck! Blow me.
That commenter sucks! Nice fish - It's fatter than that last commenter's girlfriend!
@Suckit -"Lake fish suck! Blow me."
-Dude, you should be banned from here, massive disapointment that MC even posts these replies.
holy shit
On a fly in February!? WTF?
"Situation: 10" blue/white streamer - less than 10' of agua" = very cool.
North Americans Largest Char. On a fly from a dead boat. Casting to structure. Sounds pretty cool.
Sometimes still water fishing is all you have until the spring run off slows down. Not a worry this winter. I woud be happy man to hook that pig.
The Chum is full of haters. I dig this fish and every other one that makes it up on the site. Keep up the good work guys.
ba boom!