Prez gets a new flyrod

U.S. President Barack Obama tries out the fly fishing rod given to him on his 50th birthday by a group of avid fisherman on his staff.

hail to the chief in

U.S. President Barack Obama tries out the fly fishing rod given to him on his 50th birthday by a group of avid fisherman on his staff.
Reader Comments (14)
He's a fly fisherman? Embarrassing to have him associated with the sport.
What's with the 2 handed grip?
that pic is actually from 2009. He got the rod as a gift, and spent an afternoon on the East Gallatin near Bozeman with a guide (Dan Vermillion from Livingston) during a swing through MT.
I agree with Goont...very embarrassing! maybe he can retire soon and figure out what it is used for, he and Oprah spending their days in Montana....what a visual!
O'Bummer needs all the help he can when it comes to 'balancing' things, that's why he is using the one hand to hold on 'for dear life' and the other to 'stabilize' the matter at hand until he can pass it off to someone else.
I'm stuck on all the brown nosers in the background.
From the way Barack D'oh Bama holds the rod he has never fished a single day in his life. Just another media spin. Elections are a-coming.
Instead of fondling rods and sticking them up his butt, the POTUS should rather be making plans to turn around his country. Seems as if he gave up on it.
Don't be a goon, Goont.
Was this before or after he tackled the debt crisis.......oh wait a minute, sorry...before or after he blamed everyone else for the debt crisis?
You know...someone should whisper "If you resign, you'll have plenty of time to fish..."
What a douchebag- hope he will hold it up straight in the air during an electrical storm!
"W" and his dad, Bush Sr. would fish circles around this joker! God bless the GOP!
He'll probably put a bobber and a worm on it anyway.
two hands... "i wanna cast like ed ward!"