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Florida considers catch and release for bonefish

Bonefish would become a catch-and-release species protected from harvest under a draft rule reaching state fishery managers Feb. 23.

The FWC board will hear a presentation on the draft rule at its Feb. 23 meeting in Apalachicola. If given tentative approval, the no-take rule would be considered for final approval in April.

LINK (Via: Keys Net)

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Reader Comments (3)

Catch and relese for bones! This SUCKS!


Guys who eat Carp.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJim

Except a really big one once, I never kept one. Never eaten one, they are call bone fish for a reason.
Put one in freezer for one week to show my friends because he was huge and no one would believe. Felt like shit for doing that, but I was young and stupid. Bonefish, little race cars. No need to do anything but catch, enjoy and release their happy butts.

February 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMangrove

It is about time, what is the actual purpose of anyone in Florida keeping bones? When can we expect the same for tarpon?

February 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDave McCoy

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