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Fight HB 309

We're a bit late to the game on this one - better late than never.

"If this bill passes, it will be illegal for you to fish, swim or float without permission in many popular waters simply because they've been modified by an irrigation structure or include return flows. This list includes main-stems or side-channels of the Beaverhead, Milk, Big Hole, Yellowstone, Jefferson, Bitterroot, Gallatin, upper Clark Fork, and most if not all streams and natural sloughs in irrigated areas. If the bill passes, families, anglers, floaters and guides will be kicked off hundreds of miles of streams we have been using since Montana became a territory."

Does this sound like a good idea?  Visit this strong post at Chi Wulff more more in depth perspective

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Here's a quick run down of some other hot topics in the Montana House this session. These guys are showing their true colors. Not since the 1850's has such non-sense been taken seriously. That didn't work out very well. Maybe Metallica said it best. "Careful what you wish, you may regret it, Careful what you wish, you just might get it." Who knew he was talking about the Tea Party?!?!?!

1. Legalize hunting with hand-thrown spear (Senate Bill 112)

2. Create fully-armed militia in every town (House Bill 278)

3. Allow legislators to carry weapons in the Capitol (Senate Bill 279)

4. Create an 11 person panel with authority to nullify all federal laws (House Bill 382)

5 Allow guns in schools (House Bill 558)

6. Eliminate educational requirements for persons seeking job of State Superintendent of Schools (HB 154)

7. Lift nuclear ban for purpose of building a nuclear reactor in the Flathead Valley (House Bill 326)

8. Withdraw the United States of America from the United Nations (Senate Joint Resolution 2)

9. Eliminate all state incentives for developing wind power (House Bill 244)

10. Omit Barak Obama’s name from the 2012, ballot because his father was born outside of America (House Bill 205)(this guy was on CNN this week)

11. Compulsory marriage counseling for people seeking a divorce (House Bill 438)

12. Give sheriffs authority over the federal government in terror investigations (Senate Bill 114)

13. Legalize hunting with silencers (House Bill 174)

14. Lift the prohibition on carrying concealed weapons in bars, churches and banks (House Bill 384)

15. Eliminate law that requires landlords to install carbon monoxide detectors (House Bill 354)

16. Require the federal government to prove in court that the National Parks were lawfully acquired. (House Bill 506)

17. Officially designate the “Code of the West” as the “Code of Montana” (Senate Bill 216)

18. Declare that global warming is good. (House Bill 549)

Credit to "Don't Think So", commenter on the Missoulian for the list.

Now let's compare this list to what they ran on, and what people apparently believed they would do once elected...

"The major issue that we're focusing on is the economy and jobs."

- House Speaker Mike Milburn, R-Cascade, Missoulian, Jan. 3

"Unless the proposal can show us that it is going to directly improve the lot of Montanans out of work, or those who are underemployed, we're going to resist it."

- House Minority Leader Jon Sesso, D-Butte, Missoulian, Jan. 3

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBig Mike

While we're at it... This issue appears to be much more likely to ruin your next MT flyfishing vacation than a group of yahoos in the House who will be thrown out like spoiled milk next election.

This appears to be the real deal and is very worthy of a call to arms… Much more so than the farce of a “ditch bill” that just passed the house. Dutch Gold has a history of shady dealing and a sordid past of ownership transfers to avoid reclamation. The kicker is that there are rumors floating around that they plan a full scale, highly funded assault on the cyanide leech mining ban in the same time frame as mine development. Please rally the troops! Rock Creek… Far More Precious Than Gold!!!

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBig Mike

Thanks for posting this. Better late than never. For any of you Chumers who cherish Montana's recreational resources, I recommend you take the time to pay attention to the goings on in the MT Legislature this session. The session is just half over and there are a lot of bills before this particular legislature that are a direct threat to preserving our recreational resources. It is not too late to act. And it isn't necessary you be a MT resident. Everyone has a stake in this game. Utah stream access came under attack not too long ago.

The special interests in Montana who generally oppose stream access rights have deep pockets, lawyers, patience and obviously an occasional political supporter to help them out. The Chi Wulff site is good for useful links. Montana Wildlife Federation has page devoted to bills of all sorts related to recreational resources. We need your support in opposing this bill.

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSal Whitelock

Hey Big Mike,

Where can I find more info on Rock Creek? thanks.....

The Bash Man

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWT Bash

Montana needs to get a grip on the current state of affairs. I moved here (and have stayed here) to get away from all this shit in other states, yet they assault us with these bills this session. I spend time in the capitol during "bill season" and have been discussing this topic, as well as the other bogus bills with lobbyists and members of the committees trying to get someone to listen. More or less the big shots in the state have vested a lot of money into lobbyists (and I mean A LOT), quality lawyers, as well as access to their land for supporting political figures, in exchange for this bill making it this far. Keep your fingers crossed that this doesn't make it any further. HB 309 goes in front of the senate next and it is not on the "kill" list of bills. Gotta love big money out of state figures controlling our politics and outdoors.

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterthe legend

Legend - This is the first I've heard about exchanging access for political favors. Do you have any more specifics on that?

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSal Whitelock

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