Montana FWP announces River Recreation Management Plan for Madison River

The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks announced earlier this month that it will implement a River Recreation Management Plan for the Madison River. A Mecca for trout fishermen the world over – and a recreation hotspot for whitewater rafters, float tubers and other users – the plan will address social issues facing the river.
The Madison, among the most heavily-fished rivers in the state, is well regarded for its scenic beauty, variety of water and abundant public access. The question is whether the river’s renown has become a detriment to the experience of those who visit it.
LINK (Via:Chronicle Outdoors)
FOAM, the Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana, has more on their blog.

Reader Comments (1)
I think Joe Moore said it best, "Every outfitter who uses the Madison River needs to get on their soap box and send FWP an email. And, if you don’t particate in the process, you can’t complain later on down the road".