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Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline

Yesterday, exactly one year before the next presidential election, protesters descended on the White House, to remind the president, our government and the nation that the Keystone XL Pipeline has no place in a national vision of clean energy.

The Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline would originate in Alberta, Canada and pass through the West and Midwest of the United States ending up in Houston where most of the oil will be shipped overseas. Six companies have contracted for three-quarters of the oil. Five are foreign.

By signing a petition you too can send a message to the President demanding he reject the pipeline.

Sign the petition at

LINK (Via: The Cleanest Line)

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Reader Comments (3)

you only get to bitch if dont use ANY petrolium products! and if they stop the tar sand now it will just make them more valuble in the future and you cry babys will be back at it.....stupidity

November 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCalg Ninja

The pipeline is fine. Let me know next time you want to walk to the river...are you serious? This kind of nonsense is sending our way of life to China. Until you want to blog from the Yangze, or drive your battery powered matchbox car through the canyon, I would lay off the energy bible banging.

November 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterColebaby

Colebaby, we'd be more like China if we continue to treat our lands and waters like a garbage dump. You can't even walk 2 feet in China without gagging on their polluted air. China treats their country like an industrial wasteland. They're energy development pigs over there.

and Calg, so if any of us use any electronics or drive an automobile, we therefore have to be behind every domestic energy project no matter what the costs or damage it may cause? That's flawed logic and irrational. I can be a consumer of energy and not have to support some irresponsible energy project. Really- We all have to keep our mouths shut and let oil and gas companies do whatever they want with our backyards because we use oil and gas? Nonsense.

November 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJedgey

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