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Last week's hater comments 

There's a lot of hate lately - so much that we're creating a new weekly catagory titled "Last week's hater comments".  Enjoy at our own expense!

"Buffalo Trace is great for the price. Far better than Maker's and others in the same price range.

But whiskey aside, WTF is up with that uber ghey banner at the top of the page?!? I won't even touch on how overused the whole "guide pointing off into the distance" shot is. Two guys leaning up against each other, treated with some retarded PS effect to look like they're wearing makeup, with the slogan, "Reel Pure Thoughts?" Huh?"

-Bemused, commenting on this "this whiskey tastes like piss" post

".... another tranny for pin up Friday. You guys really are gay, aren't you."

-He Look, commenting on this Friday Pin-Up post

"Virtually every post above was written by the same guy trying to spin some positive buzz about his new fly rod biz. Once again moldy chum shilling and whoring for their buddies. Its just another fly rod company like the many others that'll come and go like all the others."

-They're all the same guy, commenting on this "Red Truck Fly Rods" post

"please.... sniff, sniff,,,,, PLEASE> BWAAHAAHAAHA... If you don't buy one of our rods we'll all have to go and get real jobs like real people and we'll lose all the capital be put into our venture that we all borrowed from our parents, relatives and mortgaged our houses for. So unless you want to see us living in cardboard boxes under a bridge somewhere, THEN BUY OUR FUCKING RODS. So what if you can get one better for the same price on Ebay, or build one with pride for the same price also, OUR FINANCIAL LIVES DEPEND ON YOU BUYING ONE WHETHER YOU NEED ONE OR NOT GODDAMIT."

-Please buy one of our rods, commenting on this "Red Truck Fly Rods" post

"Will you get off that fucking movie already. You've been riding that bitch for 20 years already and who gives a shit anymore about a bunch of montana drunks and oh yeah, the cute one gets beat to death and by the way, they like to fish, big fucking deal."

-Oh my god, commenting on this "Inception Runs Through" it post

"Nice picture????.......did you take it with the camera on your cheap ass cell phone? Submit a real picture taken with a real camera next time and you might get some props (check out the July SOTM winner...see the difference!)"

-Phone camera hater, commenting on this Slab of the Month Post

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Reader Comments (40)

i hate haters... :>)

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCornelis

I kike the new Banner guys. Well done.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Whooops sorry for the typo.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Only one thing worse than being talked about and that's not being talked about. Oscar Wilde knew the pain of running a fishing blog...

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeffrey Prest

Hilarious. Brutal, But Hilarious. New Banner isn't bad btw, but I honestly liked the old one better. At least now when I accidently leave my overhead projector on in class I won't have to explain to my students why there is Colt-45 on the screen.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaineFlyCastings

Thats some classic stuff right there. Well done.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNow yer talkn

Well, you drew my attention to the "Comments". Now I'm glad I nearly never read them. If these people have such a bug up their arses for this site, why do they bother visiting? To Moldy Chum: Keep up the good work! To the haters: Shut up and fish or get out of the way!

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFishizzle

as you call them, what the fuck would you have to talk about. If you wanted a site full of rainbows, unicorns and bunnies, like a 10 year old girl, then maybe you should be a site dedicated to hello kitty or the jonas brothers.

Awwww poor moldy chum and all the other commenter's who say nothing but "nice fish there" or "well done catching that fish", its not a happy place for them.

Let the hate flow through you.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIf you didn't have "haters"

This will turn haters into trolls for glory. Good or bad its gonna be funny.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlol

I just noticed (thanks to the hater's comment you posted) the banner (and shitty photoshop effects) really are horribad.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEchinsuOcha

I love your website and the new header looks great. Why not raise the bar and simply filter out all posts by "haters"? I'm so tired of seeing f-bomb laden rants on fly fishing websites. I know I don't have to read them and I don't. However, it would be nice to read through opinions and comments by folks who can make their point without spewing profanity and belittling others. These guys are a vocal minority. Filter them out, they won't be missed.
Note to the minority: don't waste your time, I'll never return to view this string again.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinemender

If you didn't have haters..... You would have likers..... Or maybe nicers???? People who ask questions and comment after knowing what realy went down and not just bashing to amuse themselves. Most of you "Haters" are idiots and don't know how to fish. So make your own site called Haters who love to hate fish.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercseverin&2

My favorite, besides the haters, on any of my blogs are the awesome spam comments. Not really sure the readers of any of my sites are interested in the flesh lite, but I could be wrong...

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I'd bet they are all interested in purchasing a fine handmade American product like the fleshlight, especially the ladies.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFleshlight Frank

Chumnation!... where Haters and Non-Haters alike can Group-Hug without fear of retribution...

hauntingly though, I've smelled this dead fish before...heard it's fleshless white bones drying in the noonday sun

bemused?..... huh

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdeerhawk

I am not sure how you can group and generalize all haters among those who "don't know how to fish."

Yes most of the comments posted by the "haters" sound like a 5 year old wrote them and aren't constructive in the least. Yet they certainly are entertaining and some comments do hold a bit of truth.

Glad to see Chum laughing it off and creating a new weekly post based off these "hater comments." I think it's brilliant.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWow

I think the "haters" should just go on over to the Drake message board and post in the "Bitching Room for Whiny People Who Bore Us to Tears" section. Thanks Moldy Chum.............

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJughead

If its not enough like your favorite tv shows like the view or oprah for you to enjoy where all the women agree and are there to support each other emotionally. You're such a pussy.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSorry "jughead"

This all gay.

All of it.

Gay, gay, gay.

Gayer than gayfoot.

Do I win?

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGay Shit

love that smack in the puss it is right on ! oh and just go with cauyse that is what makes the site real ,no matter where you go this is everywhere on here ! Cool beans! And yes Gay shit you win cause it is pretty ghey

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternutman

This one time, I hated a website so much that I checked it daily just so i could rail on it. Props to chum for posting those...makes sitting through class much more entertaining. Oh and if there was any way to get unicorns and jonas brothers on here I would really appreciate it.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergamer

I love the idea of posting the haters comments. It reminds me how many whiney ass pukes I would hate to spend a day fishing with. If their mothers had taken them off the tit a little earlier they wouldn't be such babies

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHammerhead

The banner is classic " I see the fish but I'm Rick James .... Bitch ! " so BEMUSED is CONFUSED.
Punk ass hater might just end up like the last guy who stumbled into the Chum late one night on the Sea of Cortez.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRick James

To the haters ... visit The Drake on occasion, they'd be glad to take you down a few notches.

In the meantime, MC has great content, interesting posts and haters aside, always good entertainment.

The price is right to. Keep on keep 'n on


September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermangrove

Mangrove is right. If some of these fools went to the Drake they'd be cut in half! The new banner is questionable but hey your content is always entertaining.


September 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSuckit

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