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Washington man reels in big fish on little fly rod

Take that PETA!

On July 23, the part-time gunsmith landed a particularly noteworthy Rufus rainbow weighing about 25 pounds and measuring 32 inches long and 24 inches in girth.

"He was down to five wraps on his backing and had to chase that fish," said Randy Hart, noting that Elton has a little two-seater plastic boat with an electric motor. "After 25 minutes, when he finally landed it, the live-well was too small."

The tool: a 0000-weight fly rod.

LINK (Via:The Missoulian)

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Reader Comments (4)

At least he kept it after nearly killing it with the toothpick. I'm always leery of a person fishing for big fish with ultra light tackle, but if they are freakish fish contaminated by my sons of man, more blessings to he who destroys these demonic beasts. Praise Rang, Hosanah!

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJesus

"The tool: a 0000-weight fly rod."

i think the tool was on the other end.

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commentert-bone77

Dude sounds like a prime specimen example of a douche out to stroke his own ego and get attention. Hatchery mutants matter not at all to me, do want you want to them... But this line makes me thing that these aren't the only fish he's doing this to:

"He goes up to a 9-foot, 2-weight rod, and that's for salmon fishing in Alaska."

Keep him the hell away from our state's steelhead streams.

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

The guys sounds like a douche bag, exhausting a fish on tiny rod because you want to inflate your ego? Get a fucking 6wt.

September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAC

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