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Sept. Slab of the Month Entry: Smallmouth

Whilst targeting muskies with what appears to be a tube sock, chummist Liz took a willing player in the form of this smallie. 

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Reader Comments (32)

Mr. BFD not even close to a SOTM: remember I was fishing for MUSKY. The bass was just hungrier. While you have those knee pads on....

I'm glad I missed the deleted post. People are so petty. Hope that post made that person feel big and strong. I find it laughable that the comment made it past this "Comment Moderation."

Thanks for the love, everyone else!! Can't wait to see YOUR entries in the future!

September 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLIZ

Right on Liz!!!

September 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAC

LIZ - Nice fish, but I do have to think that it might even be more impressive that you can cast that huge fly! Get any musky that day? I'm guessing if you had we would be looking at that photo instead. Keep fishing, and keep sharing!

September 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGFP

BFD has never caught a bass on a fly if he thinks its so easy, sounds like a typical case of bass hate. for some reason petty little beaitches like yourself like to hate on the greatest game fish that ever lived. EVER!!!!!! long live the bass.

September 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjay

Wait, you mean it takes more skill to catch 9" trout that were stocked a week ago than it does to catch an 18" smallie that was born in the river? I'm hoping your post was tongue-in-cheek. I'm sure there are some trout in some particular rivers that might be tougher, but a generalization like you made just shows your inexperience. Gary LaFontaine (surely you've heard of him) was working on a bass book before he became ill. When I talked to Gary in 1991 he told me that his research proved to him that bass were actually quite a bit smarter than trout. We're talking IQ type smarts. How wary and selective fish are depends as much on their environment as anything else.

September 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJim Williams

That a girl!
The fish was in the 22 inch ballpark, with a noggin' the size of a bulldog and the jaws of a large flathead. In our neck of the woods, this is a big fish. An old smallie like this is a wise being, and it is a rare event when one is caught on any type of tackle, let alone the long rod.. To catch one on a surface fly is even more of an oddity, like seeing a banner on the Chum featuring uniorns, rainbows, and mermaids.
I couldn't be happier for Liz! Her next husky musky is just around the river bend..

September 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermilosh

Congratulations Liz, that's one beautifull smallie.

I'm from Portugal and we don't have smallies in here, just largemouths.

I am european and I must say that haters make me laught, europe has small trout compared to the USA and Canada, so don't listen to them, it's just jealousy!

Keep on rocking!


September 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPedro Russo BaiĆ£o

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