Kid from Texas Places 3rd in Youth World Fly Fishing Championship

Thompson finished the three days of fishing with 13 points, based on the fish and the size of the fish that he caught, good for the bronze medal.
This week he leaves for Colorado to fish in the America Cup International Tournament in Frisco.
LINK (The Statesman)
fly fishing competition in

Reader Comments (30)
fly fishing competitions super lame
wow. Look at the knee pads. IMO, competition ruins the whole meat and potatoes of fly fishing.
These two probably finished last in the same competition and are now upset because the kid with knee pads kicked em in the ass
never ever have i desired knee pads in any type of fishing, nor can i see a reason to need them unless you're giving BJ's out for free on the river. who the fuck competes in flyfishing? what the hell has happened to this sport?
CT also wears knee pads, gives slightly worse head than the texas kid though.
Surprised he's not wearing a helmet and doesn't have a bib on for the drippings from all you sick fucks. BJ's and competition fly fishing go hand and hand, or hand to mouth, or... you fill in the rest.
Knee pads are so gay. That kid is ugly. No shirt??? What a butthole. That net is huge, wtf? I can't believe he's wearing a chestpack, that's so lame. That river looks so polluted. I bet the fish are stunted. What horrible weather to fish in. Hats are so played. 15-years old? Kid can't even drive. Fly fishing is a waste of time and competitions are a desecration to the sport. Kneepads are for action sports like skateboarding. Skateboarders are a bunch of punks. Punk music is terrible.
There...I think I got it all covered you assholes.
Oh my Goddd are you serious?... Why do you people have to be such assholes. Can we not just be happy for the kid? And who the hell cares if he has knee pads on! Who the hell do you think you are? Is there a dress code for fishing now? I don't give a damn if the kid is out there in a helmet and a banana hammock, he's having fun, not doing anything to impede on your sorry existence. You guys need to find a better use of your time than to rag on someone else's accomplishments. Grow up and learn some @#$%ing courtesy for Christ's sake.
People that cant just take something for what it is, people that have to dig into topics and put others down, you disgust me. Just take this for what it is. Someone in our fly fishing community has found a little success. Is that a bad thing?
Good for the kid.
For all you other cum stains, fuck off and find something else better to do.
Come on now chums. Everyone just chill out. To each their own as long as respect is shown... both on the river and on the world wide webernet.
....whatever. blah blah
But could someone please explain the knee pads. seriously. And shin guards??
Are they for creeping up? Sliding in for a net save?
I am very curious.
Knee pads/ shin guards are generally for protecting your knees or shins... slippery rocks mixed with fast water makes for a great way to slip and hurt one, the other, or both. I cracked my patella last spring on the Joe, which wouldn't have happened if I had worn something like this kid has on. this really isn't that hard of a concept to grasp guys.
@You People Suck: AMEN... some people these days
Capt Obvious,
Do you wear them now?
Easy concept to grasp; hard concept to adopt IMO.
I strained my wrist once when I fell. Still don't wear wrist guards.
BTW, I have NEVER seen another flyfisher, or even centerpinner wearing knee pads and/shin guards.
and another thing Capt Obviously (a smart ass),
the water that champ is standing looks like he hardly needs waders to fish, let alone body armor.
Where's the dry fly and technical water? I'm happy for the kid but high sticking for 3 days?
I don't know, may as well sit on the bank with a beer and bobber.
Agreed that fly fishing competitions are super lame, as are most fishing competitions/tournaments.
But whatever, good for the kid bla bla bla
have to say, the knee pads are pretty weird tho.
Yet another opportunity for advertising to promote the biz that is fly fishing these days. Thats why the "sport" sucks now.
youpeoplesuck: we are not in the same "Fly fishing community" if you are going to back commercialization and competitions in our "community". Its fishing, not a competition. participating in this and supporting this behavior will be the death of my leisure activity. Keep it up and there will be a bass pro shops sponsored angler in your favorite fishing spot.
I just keep picturing goofy looking drift boats made by Skeeter or Ranger...fluorescent yellow with sparkles and glitter and all that shit those basscar guys like
You're forgetting the fly fishing biz's motto. Actually there's 2 of them, so its either; "revenue at all cost" or "its all about the money". Either of these are the rules to live by, by retailers, manufacturers and web sites like moldy scum or whatever they call themselves.
Let the hate flow through you.
Losers lol, You tarts are just jealous that the only thing your resumes had on them at 14 was "almost in high school"
Not impressed. That is all.
I was trying to use my other rod as much as possible when i was 14. Lets be clear, this is not an accomplishment. I'm baffled how many people are supporting fly fishing competitions on this site. Whats next, fly tying comps? those probably exist...
"...has his sights set on the 2011 world championship in Italy." are you kidding me? this is fucking ridiculous.
Competative fly fishing, holy crap, you guys could find a way to screw up just about anything.